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Uncertainly, Jen begin to walk slowly in the room, she does not relax her stance, her eyes roam around my room and then fix on the bed, and her face turn pale. At that moment I really wish I could read her mind and could see how she is feeling right now, is her heart pounding like mine? My tongue thickens as my brain, all I want is to take her in my arms and kiss her senselessly but off course she won't allow it. I decide to freshen up just to cool my nervous, so meanwhile she can also have some space and accommodate herself in this room.

Dismissing her closeness and wayward thoughts, I turn on the shower and step under the warm spray. This has helped me to calm down my nerves, I don't understand how to take this news that I am sharing a night with Jen under one roof after long time. When I am done, I get out of the shower wrapping towel around my waist.

I let out a frustrated sigh when I find her immovable at her place where I left her few minutes ago.

"What's wrong now?" her heads snap and she looks lost, her eyes rounds and scare. When her eyes meet mine, her face turns a colour of beetroot. For goodness sakes, this is not the first time she is seeing me half naked...she has seen me more than that.

"Um..nothing" she answers averting her eyes from me.

"Good, so now can you fasten the process, so we can sleep, I don't know about you but I am very tired" She throw an annoy look at me, why can't I behave little polite to her rather than being a jerk but it's all her fault. Her reluctance and her hesitance, is riling him up badly.

"What do you mean?" she fumingly stare me, clutching my jacket closely to her body as that is the only thing guarding her from me. I step forward her, looking deep into her hypnotic eyes, instinctively she step back. I love this chase game around Jen.

"What are you doing?" she glare me with her big shiny eyes, her long lashes added to her beauty, I smile wryly observing her slight watchful frown.

Moving a step ahead towards her "What do you think am I doing?" her eyes widen is shock, her face says she didn't expect this answer.

"Precisely, I know what's going on your little head?" her fierce eyes shot on me as a warning, I dodge her hateful glares and concentrate on my task.

"In fact" another step forward from me, and another step back from her.

"I intend to demonstrate your little imagination" I whisper closing the distance between us, gazing her inevitable lips then flicking up to her face. Her back hit the wardrobe, startle with the intimacy, she raise her hand to hold me off but on time I grab her hand and smoothly pin her both hands to the wooden wardrobe on either side of her face, taking my final step.

She couldn't speak, the tension between us stirs up and there is barely an inch separating our body. Her face heat up, she struggle in my tight grip, funny if she thinks physically she can fight me, a fight with the professional fighter..

"It was stupid idea to accept your offer, shit, what  can I expect from the monster Rick" sucking her deep breath, she snap at me, her fiery eyes twinkle with anger, it does hurts worse than a punch in the gut.

"You seem too fond with my devilish side and desperate to bring that out, otherwise despite of being thankful that I shelter you, you act like a victim." I lower my head looking into her eyes.

"Be little appreciative Jen, you don't have to be tight headed every time. If you think I am going to take advantage of you than I am sorry.. if I wanted to fuck someone, I wouldn't be here at first place, I would be rather banging that beautiful girl who was more willing to take me to her bed" I am done being nice to her, it was true.. I declined a very tempted offer of the girl like always, she was inviting me with her bedroom eyes but the problem was my fucking heart, it still worships this stubborn woman.

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