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I don't know for how long but I'm still standing here where she left me, I don't know where to go and what to do, I feel tired and exhausted. I carried this pain for more than a year, I can't stand anymore. With all due respect I know I deserve this for hurting her but yet it hurts like a bitch. I removed the crushed rose from my pocket, I see myself in it. I swallowed hard, Rick it's over, it's been over for a long time now, why I'm still hoping she will be back in my life when she has cleared herself that she doesn't want anything related to me. Why can't you move on just like her, why can't you just forget her? Why don't you go back to save yourself from this heartbreak? I exhaled deeply, I can't , I tried everything but this stupid heart worship her name with every beat, I'm numb without her, I can take all the pain to just have a glimpse of her.

I sighed, you cannot escape from me Jen. We are bounded to each other, you might have forgotten, we are meant for each other, no probs I will remind you everything, if not with love then ... a cruel smile curled on my lips. I kissed the crushed roses and observed my scratched palm, this all will worth when I will have her in my arms. Be ready Ms. Davis, will meet soon.

Next day the first thing I did after reaching the office was convinced Ryan to call Jen here on a regular basis for the progress on the project. I'm eagerly waiting her to show up in the office, everything is dull and boring without her, to my relief she has agreed. One more day and I will have her near me, this thought somewhat eased my day but night, it feels like ages, I thought to take my drugs, then I shook this thought. I have to get up early to see my light.

Luckily, the sun risen on time, hurriedly I got ready and headed to office. I grabbed the coffee from nearest coffee shop, it feel fresh. I groaned, why I'm so nervous. I felt my phone vibrated, its mom.

"Hey, Mom" I stopped at porch of Richards.

"Hey stranger, how are you?" her sad voice tucked my heart.

"I'm fine mom, how are you?" I asked.

"How I should be without my son" a pang of guilt steers me, I rarely met her after Jen disappeared from my life. It is better for her to be away than meeting her druggie miserable son.

"I will meet you soon Mom, you don't need to worry about me." I tried to comfort her.

"How could I not worry about you, you are my flesh. It seems your mother doesn't mean anything to you, only that girl means a world to you who don't bother to look back" Mom said vindictively, this broke my heart because that's a truth, Jen never looked back.

"Mom, I need to rush." She inhaled.

"Off course you do, take care Rick." she is upset, I can sense that.

"You too mom" I whispered hanging up the phone, I run fingers through my hair. If mom will know I'm here for Jen, she won't like it.

I waited for elevator scrolling my business updates on phone sent by Daniel, the elevators doors opened with a noise, while entering I spotted Jen besides me. What a pleasant coincident, she looks unfazed, yet I can see shock in her eyes when our eyes interlocked. We boarded together in silence, her perfume radiated from her body. A bunch of people also rushed into elevator leaving no space, she timidly shifted near me as she is not having any other option. I inhaled her fruity fragrance, the moment is as fragile as a cracked hourglass. This morning could not be better than this, I enjoyed her closeness and stiffness. At the end we both only left in the elevator, she took a step back into the far corner as if I might lunge at her. I shamelessly ogled her, couldn't keep my eyes off from her, she looks very pretty in her simple jeans and white top.

"Hi" I said, instantly uncomfortable.

"Hi" she muttered, quickly looking away from me. but before we exchanged two words, we had a moment of eye contact, which is enough to make my heart raced rapidly.

His Intense LoveWhere stories live. Discover now