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"What do you mean by pack your bag?" flushing furiously I asked him, he doesn't even flinch with my angry stare. His face gives nothing else away, but I know him and I know he is enjoying my annoyance.

"It's simple, pack your bag" Being a jerk, he replied coldly, not even looking at me. He taps his fingers on my dining table, wandering his eyes around my room. I crossed my arms against my chest, if he wants to play, then two can play this game. Slowly, he turns his head just enough for me to see his eyes, when he realized I won't be moving until I get the answer, he exhales the angry sigh.

"Jen, stop it. You fuss too much sometime" He turns to my side, flashing a sweet smile. That smile makes my eyes hurt, it's clearly a sweet smile but I really want to tear it apart.

"We have decided to give us a month, if my memory serves me right, you agreed to it, then why questioning now?" He might seem calm, but his eyes held the fire. He is trying to control his anger, he doesn't like when I behave standoffish around him. My mind started to whir away on a ridiculous idea of staying a month with him as I finally realized the futility of this setup.

"Giving a second thought?" He shrugged dismissively, shaking his head in dismay. Instead of answering him, I headed to my room. What am I doing? Is it right to go along with this stupid plan? Where the hell are you Daniel, when I needed you most? I dialed his number and it went to the voice mail. Like always, you are not available when I need you.

Clutching the phone to my chest, I gulp the sadness and disappointments in me. I dial Daniel's number once again, again on voicemail, but this time I decided to drop the message.

"Daniel, where are you? I want to talk to you, I.." I closed my eyes to think of what actually I want to say. "I don't know what I am doing? I know you will be upset with my decision, but I have no choice. This whole week I have tried to contact you for help, because all I have is you..." I tried to control my wavering emotion "I know you will understand. Please take care of Scarlet." With that, I cut the call. I hope Daniel gets this message soon, he would definitely find a way to me. He could only put some brain in Rick's sickening mind, he could stop this. I certainly hope Daniel won't be disappointed with me, I know how he feels about me, its not hidden at all. I know Daniel would be disheartened but I want him to understand the circumstance, I don't want to lose him.

"Taking a lifetime to pack your bag" Barging into my room, Rick gave me an accusing look. His eyes landed on the phone, a tick starting in his jaw as I tried to hide the phone away from him. Our eyes only lock and hold for the briefest second, but its long enough for me to read all the signals his eyes are relaying.

"Always, relying on Daniel" If he is angry, then be it. I owe him nothing, I shouldn't be receiving all his wrath, some of it should be projected at himself.

"Then whom should I rely, you?" Rick stands in the middle of the room, looking speechless and hurt. His fist clench open and closed as he battles to leash his anger. My heart is ready to jump out of the chest with the fear, I am preparing myself for his harsh comeback. But to my utter shock, he just nods his head.

"Five minutes you have to pack your bag, just five minutes" he mutters when his composure simmer back to customary level.

"How would I pack my things in five minutes?" I interject in defense.

"You would have thought that before wasting my time... who else knows me better than you, when I sound business...I meant business" a clear threat and he decides to leave me to packing. I don't have much time to think about what to pack, gosh I have only five minutes. Hastily, I started packing the essentials first, who cares what clothes I am going to wear as I am not out to impress anyone.

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