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My eyes flutters, they want to open but my body is too tired to do any movement. I want to lay down on the bed and sleep forever, too exhausted for the world. My body is in a fetal position, covered with a warm duvet. I am not asleep although my body feels kind of heavy like its sinking into the mattress. A great relief that Rick is not around, I am too embarrassed to face him. Last night, I almost made a fool of myself, Rick won't let go of this opportunity to mock on me. Argg... I hate my life. Next, I open my eyes slowly and close it, while taking a deep breath I open my eyes again. I am still here, still in the trap of Rick.

"Good morning" I jump, I mean my body jerks forward as I've just been scared awake.

"I didn't mean to scare you, get up, come for the breakfast" I hear Rick say in a soft voice before the sound of the bedroom door clicking shut fills my ears, and I turn back to find myself alone in the room.

Why is he playing nice? Is he feeling pity for me, I don't need his pity, I don't want his damn sympathy? I am not a nut case, I chanted the mantra which I accustom to... "I am strong, I don't have any emotion except bitterness for the world. Nobody could ever hold power on me, not even Rick"

Quickly taking the shower, I headed to meet Rick, steeping towards the dining area, I look around for him. My hands are cold, wondering why in the hell I'm nervous to see Rick again. I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to hide forever for him when actually I am stuck with him for the month. You are here for a reason Jen, I lift my chin with determination and headed to the kitchen. I am not going to let Rick make me feel stupid and nervous.

I halt at my place as my eyes landed on Rick and at the mess all over the kitchen table and on the floor. Holly shit, what the hell happened here, making breakfast couldn't be such a big deal.

While my heart starts racing as I move across the room to stand right behind him. I gently clear my throat for his attention "Is there any problem?"

As soon his blue eyes meet mine, my heart leaps. Not only kitchen but Rick looks a total mess. His apron cover with stain marks and his hands are busy in flipping the pancake. Without giving me any attention, he continued his task. The awkwardness filled the room and I start sweating, even in that state I couldn't keep my eyes off from him. If it would be old me, I must have found him sexy... What the hell, I shook my head and tried to snap myself out of these crazy thoughts.

"Like it?" My attention was drawn to Rick, he has a smile on his face that let me know that he knew what's going on in my head.

"huh?" In response, he smiles again, mischievous smile, with an edge of wicked fun, and in his eyes, I could see the confidence that he knew exactly how he affects me. He just leans his extra height downward, curving his body toward me.

"Pan cake, do you like it?" Lost for words, I tried to avoid the intimacy of this moment and kept my eyes on his, though his intense gaze troubles me.

"NO" And I succeed to break that intimidate moment, gazing at him directly I continued "I actually hate pancake-like many other things" His confidence eyes seem to sadden, and though he managed a smile, there is a hurt shining in his eyes.

"I would better settle myself with this brown bread and butter" I stretch my hand to grab the butter, but Rick stop me abruptly and pulled me closer to him, reeling me in like a fish on a hook, I want to yell and scream at him. I bit my tongue, feeling anger swell within me. I look away.

"It's not about what you like, my sweetheart, this is about what I want you to like...so now you will be enjoying your pancake" Rick looks at me, heaving an aggravated sigh. Our hands are stuck between our bodies, I poke him in the chest, and he steps back from my slight push.

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