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Returning back to the same room which I shared with Rick is nothing but a big punishment to my shattered heart, although we barely talked in this room but each moment was very special with him in its own way. My gaze halt to the bed, I remembered the way I scooped into his arms to escape my nightmares, it seems he became a wall between me and my bad memories when he was the one who was responsible for that. Why I'm going through with the same pain which I seemed to cut it out from my system when I left him for a good reason, I have forbidden myself to feel anything for a long time, then why I want to crouch and weep and weep my heart out for him. I hate to be that girl again, I wipe my tears, this is your mistake Jen, you are failed to guard your heart from Rick. You let your emotions make you vulnerable once again, you are strong than this.

This room is haunting me with the memories of Rick, I need to get the hell out of this room. So, I just walk out of the room, down the stairs and out into the street. I walk until its dark, I walk until I feel like I can't take another step. And then I turn around and walk back to the hotel, because sadly I don't know where else to go.

Once I enter the hotel, the receptionist smiles and hands me over a handwritten note. My stupid heart twitch around for a second, this could be from Rick. I took that from her, I could hear my pounding heart in my chest, controlling my nerves I remind myself not to feel anything about it.

You overthink about everything transpired between you and him, this is his old sick game to play with your heart. He wanted to scare you with the thought of him leaving you, just to return back and laugh at your vulnerability. But little did he know, he helped me to remind myself why I hated him at first place. Without reading the note, i scrunched it up and tossed it into the bin expertly without a backward glance.

"Oouch, that's rude" she turns to look back at the person, she never imagined could be here and her eyes linger in his face for a long minute in disbelief.

"Jen what is it? You are looking at me like I'm stranger, have you forgotten me already?" A smile spread over my face, momently his presence lessens my pain.

"Daniel" I call his name a little bemused.

A bright smile flash on his face as he continued to say, while walking towards me.

"That's me, and thankfully she remembers!" he winks at me with a playful glance, before I could think anything to do or say, his arms wrap around me, and I am flooded with a warmth and overwhelmed. Taking a deep breath into his smell, I realised that I needed this hug more than anything at this moment in my life. I nestle my head on his chest and I feel my heart began to relax.

"I wanted to see you since the day we talked Jen but something comes up...hope you understand" I nod my head still gluing to him then I remembered our conversation. Within a fraction of moment, I pull away from him, uncomfortably gazing at him with a faint smile.

Like always this time too he caught my discomfort, I don't want to give him any false hope that things could be more than friendship between us. I don't want to ruin what we have, he is the only person who still understand me more than anyone else.

"One of shitty day, you shouldn't worry yourself about me. I'm good" I answer him gathering some courage to look into his eyes to show him that I'm not keeping anything from him. He seems lost for a moment, he knew I don't want to talk about it, then quickly he jumps onto another topic.

"Why did you do that to my note? It was little insulting, I must say" he said to lighten our awkward moment but it has contrary effect over me. So, it means the note was not from Rick... somehow this information upsets me more.

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