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It is the bright morning, and the light giving me headache, but when I close my eyes it's no better, her image chase across the lids. Particularly, her empty eyes, my last sight of her. Even in my unconscious dizzy state, I couldn't fail to recognize her.. I was sure I saw her before I black out. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I wanted to see was her.. but there was no sign of her. Swallowing my pride, I asked Ryan about her, he gave me skeptical look, yet didn't ask anything and just informed me that she left. She just left... my heart dropped with his words, she left knowing I was injured and needed her most.. off course Rick, she doesn't love you anymore, why you are shocked, she never try to hide how she feels about you, then to this stupid heart is not ready to believe she can ever stop loving me.

My whole body felt sore and hollow. I could feel every part of my body, my guts, my lungs, my aching kidney, the blood coursing round me, my ringing head and last but not the least, the pieces of my broken heart. I didn't want to trouble Ryan and Jenny, so I shifted to my place. I seriously don't know about their relation status, one thing I am sure though, Jenny is good for Ryan. Anyway, Who I am to comment on anyone's relationship, who has fucked up his own relationship and don't know what to do with it. I inhaled sharply, my every breath urge for Jen and my every fibre of body longing for her love. Jen why don't you forgive me and accept my love, I'm dying slowly without you...

Daniel never left myside until I started recovering, we both don't talk much, it was awkward after I saw him with her and my brutal outburst on Jen. Though, I told Daniel to have Jen but I would prefer to die rather than watching her with another soul. I imprisoned myself behind the walls of silence, still waiting for one phone call from Jen. If not like a lover then it could be a just a formal call to the colleague to know about his health or how he is doing after accident. Alone, swollen with self-loathing and self-revolting, I decided one thing..its enough now.. I won't plead or beg to Jen anymore, if she wants me to be invisible in her life then I would oblige her with my coldness.

Ryan showed up after few days, and requested me to visit the event place to see the flow of work. The hope that was dying day by day had lit up once again by hearing the plan of trip with Jen for two weeks, I couldn't be in her life but at least I would be near her, it is for few days though.

I picked up Jenny from Ryan's place, she is surprisingly quite in the drive, my ears got alerted when she called Jen, she is coming by her old car. I don't like the way Jenny mocked Jen but I hate to admit she is damn right about her car. I couldn't hold my smile when Jen bitchily retorted on Jenny's comment, my naïve girl has changed, she doesn't need anybody for her defense anymore, she is quite capable to fight her own battle. Jenny's face was priceless when Jen hung up on her, I wanted to laugh on her but I decided to be a silent audience. Later, Jenny stayed in herself by closing her eyes.

I'd driven few miles when my eyes caught the familiar old car, I slowed the speed of the car to look out closely, and there is something so strikingly beautiful in the pale, distinguished face under the plain bonnet, she is the girl who has my heart on a string and now it pounding so hard that I am afraid it would jump right out of my chest at the first sight of her. She is wearing jeans and simple top, her messy hair fall over her face, hiding her features completely, I don't need to do double check to know who she is as my thumping heart is an evident of her presence. She tucked her loose hair strands behind her ears, her eyebrows twitched into a momentary frown while checking her car, and that is enough to hitch my breathe, I totally drawn to her beauty that I lost the control over my break when I saw another car passing to me, quickly I applied a sudden break and car jerked violently. Jenny jolted awake and screamed on me, she is frighteningly clutched her seat belt. I don't give a damn on her cussing as my all attention is on my Jen. I got surprised when I found Jenny walking towards her, damn..

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