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Experiencing a bit of heaven, love is a bit of heaven and I am floting high in love. Jen is my cure, her lips helping me in healing. Oh god, how I missed her having in my arms, her lips and her fragrance, everything is so blissful to my shattered heart. I won't complain if I die like this in the arms of my love, the death could be this alluring and beautiful.

My kiss turns more intense, her lips moving frantically against mine, my lips tangling with her, our chest heaving. our bodies shifts closer and closer until there's no space left between us, until I can feel every breath she takes, every slight of her lips. This kiss...feels so right, so right that it makes my chest ache and my eyes burn.

Suddenly, her eyes widen as some realisation hit her and she breaks the kiss to draw a sharp breath. I curse under my breath, disappointed with the distance between us.

The kiss caught us both by surprise, I can tell. My eyes drop on her reddened lips and I am dying to taste her again.

"Ummm... I should go... u need rest" cold rushes in as she stands up for leaving.

"Jen, stay...please" If I have to beg, I will.

Jen stops, her face flushed meeting my gaze, she seems very confuse, she doesn't know what to do?

"Otherwise I have to call that nurse back to tend my needs" I tease her and she scowls at me.

"You are free to do whatever you want Rick" I didn't like her response.

"You need to give that to her, she is pretty thing" With witty smile I said, her knit her brow and shrug her shoulders.

"Pretty and flirty" I love her when she is jealous, she looks surprised with her comment.

"I mean.." Jen hesitates, I hold her hand and kiss her knuckle.

"If I knew having a bullet in my body can bring you back to me, I could have hired a person to kill me much before" This was not a joke, I am serious.

"Shut up Rick, don't talk ridiculous" she snaps.

"I am serious Jen, I can die in your arms rather than staying away from you" she jerks her hands from me and folded her arms close to her chest, looking pissed at me.

"I won't stay here any longer if you continue with your nonsense." I raised my hands in surrender, we both stay quiet for few minutes until she broke the silence.

"You were addicted to drugs?" she question me in low voice, straight staring into my eyes, I feel ashamed to admit.

"I didn't know how to survive without you" I confessed, few emotions pass through her eyes but she blink it quickly. A bitter smile curve onto her lips when she replied "I survived your hatred and your game of revenge without using drugs Rick, then why can't you?"

"You are stronger than me Jen" Her eyes moist with tears.

"Yeah you have witnessed that night how strong I am" her sadden eyes avoids me.

"Yes you are Jen, stronger that you believed. And I admit I am a coward, always looking a way out instead of facing the truth." Taking a deep breath I continue "if I could have accepted my love for you in the beginning, the fate of our love would have different. It's all my fault and I can't change our past but I can't avoid the fact that I love you from all my heart" Her eyes soften, this time she is not defensive or trying to run away but listening, is that a sign of hope for our us.

"Rick" it seems she wants to say something but not getting right word.

"Jen you can hide or deny my love thousand times but we both knows in the bottom of your heart you still treasure your love for me." Jen looks uncomfortable, yet I felt relief that she doesn't deny this time, yes we are progressing then.

"I was unconscious yet I heard you, you were calling me back, you said come back to your Jen and I did." The color drained out of her face, she looks pale.

"God sent me back to you, do you know why?" she looks up, waiting for my answer.

"Because he knows we both are broken beyond repair and the reunion of us only can heal us with time. We need each other Jen"

"No, our reunion can only give reason for more heartbreak"

"Then be it, I don't care" Jen shakes her head, a tear escape from her eye. I tug her closer to my side, holding her face between my hands, I kiss her tear. She lift her gaze meeting to my eyes, I swallow hard and then I dip my head towards her and start kissing her. Her fingers caress my back in response, we both lost into ecstasy until her finger touch my wound and a tiny moan escape from my mouth.

"Sorry...did I hurt you" her eyes widen with fear when she noticed blood in her finger. Her breathing came in gasps as she fighting off panic. She squeezes her eyes closed like a child, hoping it would go away on its own.

"This is not the first time you are hurting him" the voice cracked from our behind, our head turn to the voice and the look of aghast is visible on Jen's face.

"Mrs. Adam" the name came out from her quivering lips.

"It would be a lie if I say pleased to meet you Ms. Milano, so why to pretend" Mom's eyes are fiercely cold and angry. Her face twist into rage looking our closeness, quickly Jen shifted from my side fumbling on her feet.

"Jen" concernedly looking at her I examine her if she ok, she briefly nods her head to assure me.

"I can see my son is still under the spell of this girl, even though I am seeing his son after a long time he couldn't keep his eyes off from this girl to spare a look to his mother." her voice became shrill, i wonder why she still hate Jen with so much passion.

"I...I need to ... I should go" Jen struggle to firm a sentence, nervous and afraid, I feel bad for her. Mom's rough taunt must have startled her. I put my hand on her knee to give her a support and letting her know I am with her and she doesn't need to get scare. Her gaze pauses on me for a while, struggling with her emotions she stares at me, her eyes saying me there is no chance we both can have a normal life, no I will prove you wrong Jen.

"Yes you should go" Mom harshly said, breaking our brief moment.

"Mom, can you please calm down" But damage is done, Jen got up and left us without looking back.

"Why you have to be so rude mom" I complained.

"You are asking me this? Rick, stop being stupidly blinded with her beauty, can't you see this girl is nothing but a bad curse, you almost died." She yelled viciously.

"But I am still alive, isn't it? And you seems to forgot she saved us last time shooting her own father" I retort with same passion.

"That's the Karma, David deserved his fate." She fired back with venom.

"Mom" Mom's eyes soften, I don't understand until I felt myself getting dizzy and darkness evolve me, even in this state also I wanted nothing but to check on Jen. Hope she will muster courage to fight back, instead of giving up on us. I am scared that she would guard her heart again with big walls...no I won't let this happen. She has to give us a chance... she has to... and the unconsciousness slowly won and I can't think anymore.

Hello lovelies!!

For His Intense Love readers, i have a good news for you...His Intense Love nominated for Watty 2019 along with His Trophy. Yeyyy....💃💃

Enjoy this chapter, y'all were right, yes it was Mrs. Adam 😲😲😅😅

So, what will happen next?🤞🤞

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love u loads 😘😘😘

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