An announcement

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Hello my lovelies!!!

I know u guys are sort of mad at me for not updating my book lately, before you guy freaked out on me let me share a good news to you... My brother got married last month💑💑

Being an elder sister, I was quite busy with the arrangements....m sure u guys can understand like u always did... Love u guys, u don't know how badly I  missed you all 😘😘😘😘

Writing was my hobby but now it became me, while busy with functions and my job.. It feels like m missing my part, yes I'm missing,  soon m gonna update soon 🙂🙂🙂

I used to discuss my book with some of my friends when I  was away from may sound crazy and hillarious but my friends think I  should publish His Revenge on I  did the registration yet skeptical about  this, what do you think guys?? Is my book is even worth of somebody's hard worked penny 😅😅

I don't know but I  wanna give a try... But M nervous...very very nervous...lets think together as u are the one who have been with me from the day one in the journey of His Revenge.

Give your thoughts friends ❤❤❤

Before I  sign out let me promise you one thing, I'm going to finish my other books here on wattpad...from next week you are going to get weekly updates 🤗🤗🤗

Load of love to you 💋💋💋

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