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I'm feeling the rush of thousand heartbreaks watching them wrapped to each other, an urge to destroy everything stir in my head, I fisted my hand at myside. Anger blazed, but no flames shot out because I know if I would do anything crazy, it will cause another fight with Jen which I'm not intend to. Thus, I controlled my anger. I felt my dilemma reach to her, she stiffened under my burning gaze and hesitantly parted away from Daniel. I watch them numbly, Daniel is trying to hide his excitement that made his silver eyes sparkle, I caught his amusement for having such a good response from Jen, where I only tasted the bitter test of hatred and rejection. My heart swell recollecting the number of painful rejections from Jen, she never shows a slight affection to me. And here she ran into his embrace lovingly, a pang of jealousy stab my chest.

Daniel cleared his throat awkwardly breaking the silence, he flashes a sweet smile to Jen, I swallow down my annoyance.

"It's so good to see you again Jen, but it might have been fun under better circumstances?" he sounds calm and collected, sort of funny. He earned a beautiful smile from Jen on his stupid comment, unbelievable, anger brewing inside me. Should I follow Daniel to seek attention from her, may be if I behave like him, gentle, caring and funny then maybe she would give me a chance, ugghhh..it's impossible for me to act cool, I'm the way I am, a years of habits can't change in a one night, but maybe it would be worth to see the smile on her face. It's the second time she genuinely smiled since we met, I felt little relieved as I recollected the image of her smiling face besides me, a blissful moment of my life, indeed.

"Umm...how did I get here? I mean in this room?" she watched me from the corner of her eyes hesitantly, fidgeting with her fingers.

"You got faint on the middle of road, I found you unconscious" Daniel concernedly stared at her.

"Like always your knight in shining armour found you, carried you in his arms and took good care of you, isn't it Daniel?" I sarcastically said gritting my teeth, he touched my Jen, he always comes out like a hero for Jen whenever she needs it.

"Oh, thanks Daniel. I think I should leave now" She lifted her chin in defiance, looking directly into my eyes, challenging me not to utter any other word and I silently obey her command.

"You should not go alone, should I drop you?" Daniel asked uncomfortably glancing towards me.

"No, I'm fine Daniel, I can manage" she politely refused him, she walked out from the room, Daniel wants to insist her but restrain himself because of me and I know that very well. I shook my head, I ramble towards door.

"Where are you off to?" he has a nerve to ask me, I glared at him.

"I won't lie to you Daniel, I'm going to drop her off safely at her home, beside you don't have to worry about her" he averted his eyes embarrassingly on my rude comment.

"She would not accept it" he muttered in his low voice.

"That's what you think Daniel" I left the room without giving him a chance to ask another question, how dare he thinks he has a right to come between me and Jen. I strolled around the road, I couldn't find her, my heart raced up, where is she? Hope she is fine... I took a sigh of relief when I saw her on the bench of bus stop, she is holding her head between her hands, gazing to the ground.

"Are you ok?" I asked sitting beside her.

"Why are you here?" Her dark with anger eyes met my gaze, she scrunch her nose, even in her anger state, I found this cute. I'm really behaving like a lovestruck puppy.

"You know why, right?" She stared me sickeningly.

"I don't need your help, go away" she shook her head disapprovingly, it tug my heart, I don't know how long I can control my rage around her, the effects of her rejectionare doing toll on me.

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