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Writer's POV

Daniel sighed deeply, enjoying the moment of having Jen in his arms, though she seems too far from him, always so closed to him yet out of his reach. His eyes never leaving her face, he was elated when she texted that she was looking a way out and he certainly know what she meant. God, did she know, it's been ages he waited, silently urging Jen to see his love, despite of her unbreakable love for Rick, the feeling for Jen never stop instead it grows every day, his desire to see her, embrace her, and love her is profound. The yearning for her is never ending, and he knew Jen will always be in his heart.

Daniel thought back to the entire event that led them to this moment, he thought it might be written in his destiny to have Jen back into his life, he might not be her first love but he could be her last. In past he wanted to tell her everything he felt for her, but knew he couldn't due to the circumstance. Now nothing can stop him, he owes nothing to Rick, last time he step back for Rick but this time he doesn't want to let any opportunity pass to prove his love for Jen. He holds her soft body firmly in his arms, pulling her close to him, he found himself transfixed drinking in her natural beauty and gladness fills his heart.

Unaware of Daniel's thought, Jen is engrossed in her own feelings. Her body became rigid, and her mind gets numb. She doesn't have to look back, his presence still has the power to make her pulse race, her heart beats faster and it causes her to close her eyes to calm her nerves.

"Stay with me Jen" Daniel's smooth voice brought her back to him, she amusingly stare back into Daniel's eyes, shocked to see how closed they are, Daniel's face only inches away from her and his eyes watching her intently. She can read the secret hidden in the depth of his eyes, her heart sink in her chest to avoid this intimate moment and make a little distance between them but before she could do anything, her heart freeze with dread meeting his menacingly stare.

Rick felt hundred draggers at a time, finding Jen in the arms of Daniel, so intimate and lost in the moment. Rick stepped towards her, his eyes burning into hers with anger. Jen unknowingly hook into Daniel which hyped Rick's rage. Rick couldn't see further, he hated the feeling of losing Jen to Daniel, he always knew Daniel only could take Jen away from him, nobody else.

Holding the glass tightly Rick stepped towards dance floor, Jen could not take her eyes from his, they demanded her attention. Why she is scared? It should be her not him, who has a right to be angry, he left her without any information. Jen thought to herself, she tighten her mouth, her eyes locked with his in a hard stare hiding her nervousness.

A beautiful girl stop by Rick and ask for a dance, Rick is so tempted to accept her offer to show Jen that two can play the game. A wicked smile curls into Rick's lip, the way color drained from Jen's face. Without breaking his eyes from Jen, Rick arrogantly declined the offer and emptied his glass in one breath.

Jen is unable to move her eyes from Rick, she really wanted to do but she couldn't. Rick is standing there, watching her with smug look and drinking. She doesn't know what's going on in devil's mind, his eyes shows the bloodshot red though he has maintains tight smile on his lips. She couldn't take anymore his accusing eyes and decide to run away from him.

"Daniel, I need to use restroom" Jen softly whisper to Daniel, his face drop as he is aware that Jen is just making an excuse to slip out of his arms. Yet he nods his head with smile.

Avoiding Rick gaze, Jen rush to the restroom. Putting her hand on the restroom door, breathing in and out slowly and told herself to calm down. Jen doesn't know what she feeling, she felt is awful about everything. Jen felt like she is trapped in a whirlwind and there is no escape, there is no escape from those deep blue eyes that filled with rage, grief and hurt. Most pathetic thing is , that she felt the his pain.

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