Random talks

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Helloooo the beautiful and the cutest people  🙋🙋🙋🙋

I know you guys are extremely upset with me as m not updating these days....can you bestow me your forgiveness and give me some days to update.. making my best pouty puppy face 🙏🙏😊😊😚😚

I can assure you that I will come back soon with this book's update till than wait for me.

I also realized that it's been long I have interacted with my readers.. so let's start now....

What's up guys!!! 😉😉😉

Let's have some random talks to know each other...

Country - India

Favorite books on wattpad - out of many... Orisini Bride by sweetblunch and  Ebony & Ivory by WordswithGem

Hobbies : sleeping and reading on holidays...also writing 😉😉

Profession: In customer service..needs to have lots of patience, trust me 😅😅😅

That's it about myself...m little introvert yet I have shared few things about me. 😱😱

Which book you like most out of my three : for me His Revenge any day

Which one you want me to complete first : His Trophy or His Intense Love

Favorite characters out of my books ??

Favorite scene of this book...m eager to know of yours then I will share mine 😉😉

What ending are you hoping for this book??

Guys that's it for the day... I know you will be having interesting answers, very impatiently waiting 😍😍😍

Love you loads 😘😘😘😘

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