54. unexpected visitor

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:quinquaginta quattuor:
~unexpected visitor~

:quinquaginta quattuor:~unexpected visitor~

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Patrick almost fell into his mother's arms as he finally returned home, he'd forgotten how much he loved the cozy cottage with the overgrown garden, slanting trees and green walls. Now he was back he felt that feeling that he didn't want to leave again, at least not for a while.

Amelia had been waiting for his return even preparing an iced tea which she passed to him as he sat down at the dining room table.
"How were they then?" She smiled excitedly, "the exams?"
"They were good" Patrick nodded, "but I'm not sure if they were good enough to get me into a teaching career".

"I'm sure they will be" said Harriet encouragingly as she sat down with them, "I'm so proud of you... you did it"
"What about you Amelia?" Patrick asked quickly, "how did the A-levels go?"
"Well" she nodded,
"Amelia revised more than she slept" laughed Harriet, "I'm positive that both of you are going to do amazing".

"Surely this calls for some celebration" Amelia grinned, "I got a bottle of Prosecco at the store this morning".
Patrick's heart dropped as Harriet clapped in agreement, he'd been planning on telling the, exactly what had happened towards the end of the school year however he wasn't exactly sure how to put it into words.

"I can't drink" he blurted out and two pairs of blue eyes landed on him in confusion,
"What do you mean?" Harriet frowned, "are you not feeling well?"
"I ... I have something to tell you"
Amelia slowly lowered herself back into her seat as Patrick began his story.

He looked down at the table in shame the entire time he told it, he didn't want to look up in fear that his mother and sister may be annoyed or angered at him.
However as he finally finished and braved staring into their eyes he noticed nothing but sympathy and condolence.
"Patrick" Harriet murmured, "you could have told us this you know... we're with you through everything" she smiled.

Patrick felt as though he was about to tear up, his sister rested her head on his shoulder as she held onto him tightly,
"I'm proud of you" she muttered, "how about celebratory lemonade!"


The family sat around the living room with glasses of pink lemonade as Harriet played her Smiths record lightly in the background.
'This charming man' began to fill the room as they sat around laughing and talking,
"Anyway... Amelia don't you have something to tell your brother" Harriet beamed as one of the may cats settled in her lap.

"Yeah... Patrick I um... I've got a boyfriend" Patrick's eyes widened in happiness as he clapped his hands together in glee,
"Amelia that's incredible... what's his name?"
"He's called Dominic... he's from Scotland as well and he's an art major"
"Well he sounds perfect" Patrick swooned, "I'll have to meet him"

"Yeah I keep trying to get Amelia to invite him round for dinner but she says it's too soon"
"It's only been five months" Amelia groaned,
"Five months!" Patrick gasped, "and I'm only finding out about this now"
"At least you're finding out" she winked.

All of a sudden the doorbell rang, heads turned towards the noise but it was Patrick who jumped up,
"I'll get it" he smiled as he pushed his way into the porch. He could hear Harriet and Amelia singing along to the music and he couldn't help but smile as he opened the door.

"Hi" the blonde frowned upon seeing a middle aged man with a rather large nose and dark hair standing on his doorstep, he didn't recognise him but something about his face seemed familiar,
"Can I help you?" Patrick smiled nervously.

"... does Harriet Larson live here?" He said in a faint accent,
"Um yes she does... she's my mother"
"Mother" laughed the man, "she had kids... who's the father?"
"Um there isn't one" Patrick muttered, "why are you here... who are you?"

"How old did you say you were?"
"I didn't" Patrick said in a low voice, his hand gripped to the side of the door,
"Well how old are you lad?"
"Nineteen" Patrick spoke quickly, "look I think you should leave"

"Have any siblings" he asked coldly,
"Two" Patrick continued... "we're triplets... look if you're not going to tell me why you're here I'll call the police"
"Harriet" the man muttered and Patrick turned to see his mother standing behind him, her skin her pale as she stared at the man as though she had seen a ghost.

"Mum who is he?" Murmured Patrick.
"This is Tony... your ... your father".


The man shoved his way into the house as Patrick stood there in shock. Through life he'd only ever heard terrible things about his father, how he'd forced himself on Harriet, how he'd scarred her mind because of her generosity.
He was a rapist and there was no gentle way to put it.

"Get out" Patrick called his voice shaking. Amelia emerged from the living room as Tony stared down at her.
"Get away from my sister" Patrick spat as he dived in front of Amelia who grabbed hold of her arm in fear,
"You mean my daughter... son" he smiled sickeningly.

"You have no place here" Harriet sobbed as she clutched onto the door, "please... you've done enough"
Seeing the state of fear that his mother was in, Patrick's first instinct was to reach for his wand which was secured in his jeans pocket.

"Going to jinx me are you?" Laughed Tony as Patrick went for his wand, "going to use an unforgivable curse"
"How do you... you're a wizard" Patrick murmured in shock,
"I'm glad at least one of my children inherited the gift" he cackled, "where's my third child... you said you were triplets didn't you?"

"She's not here" Amelia stuttered in a shaking tone, "she.. she died"
"I'm so sorry to heat that" he frowned,
"GET OUT.. DON'T TALK ABOUT HER LIKE YOU KNEW HER" Patrick yelled as his voice broke, his throat red raw from the strain.
Tony just laughed.

"You're Patrick... I knew you must be her daughter but I could only hope that you were mine"
"I'm not yours" scoffed Patrick, "I'll never be yours"
"Blood always wins" Tony sneered, "I've heard you're a rather good wizard which is actually why I'm here"

"I want nothing to do with you" Patrick spat, "never... never in a million years"
The blondes throat went dry as Tony began to roll up his left sleeve, there on his skin stood a prominent mark... the dark mark.
"No" Patrick shook his head.

"What is is Pat?" Whispered Amelia quietly,
"It's the dark mark it's... his mark... you're a death eater"
"And if you had any sense you'd be one too" laughed Tony, "don't you see what's happening boy... not long now and he'll have taken over everything... he's powerful so powerful... Dumbledore couldn't even imagine"

"He lost last time and he'll lose again" Patrick called but his tone held uncertainty that Tony preyed on,
"He lost last time by chance, by luck ... this times different... join us Patrick... it's the only right decision"

"I would never" Patrick swore, "I would never even think about it"
"I'll give you a day to make up your mind" he sneered, "do think about your family Patrick... your beautiful mother and sister... unless you want them to end up like... what was her name" the man scanned the room to see the picture of their sister on the wall, "ahh Liliana"

"Don't say her name" yelled Patrick in horror, "stay away from us... stay away or I'll kill you"
"Patrick we both know you don't have it in you... but we both know that I do"
With that the man apperated out of the room leaving the three Larson's standing in shock.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now