7. it's the most wonderful time of the year

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~It's the most wonderful time of the year~

:septem: ~It's the most wonderful time of the year~

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"If i didn't know any better i'd think you were in love" laughed Harriet as she listened to her son gush about his new friend,
"she's great mum, you'll have to meet her"
"i'd love to, i'm sure the girls would too"
"yeah she sounds nice" smiled Amelia "though another word about her and I'll begin to think that you're straight"
"me... straight?" laughed Patrick "trust me that's something you'll never see"
"pass another present will you?" called Liliana who seemed rather bored of the conversation.

Christmas day had always been one of Patrick's favourites. He always got to spend time with his family however something about the festivities and overall jolliness of the occasion felt better than an average Wednesday.
It felt even better these days because it was one of the only times Patrick actually got to see his family while he studied at Hogwarts.
It seemed every time he'd come home he'd missed out on some big event, he wouldn't give up Hogwarts for the world but he wished that his only form of communication wasn't letters.
"Here you go Lil" Amelia called as a large frumpy red parcel fell into Liliana's lap.
"Remember to save some for when the family come over later"

"Do they have to come?" Asked Amelia as she fell back into her sofa,
Harriet raised her eyebrows "that's my brother you're talking about"
"It's not her... it's Rachel"
The name sent shivers up Patrick's spine. That was one plus of Hogwarts, he'd avoided many accounts with Rachel.
"Rachel is just ... an interesting girl" smiled Harriet "you three give her a hard time"
"We do not" protested Liliana "thanks for the socks mum!" She added happily as she unwrapped a pair of ladybird socks from the jumble of paper.

Harriets brother (Barney) had married a German woman Katja when he was only nineteen. Since that day he'd spend his life experiencing the beauty of the European country. Living in Potsdam meant they were able to see the beautiful green forests alongside the enriching architecture such as Sanssouci palace. Patrick had visited the city many a time to see his aunt and uncle, he'd been intrigued by the beauty of the place leading to his growing love for Europe.

Barney and Katja had two daughters (Rachel and Flora). Flora was the youngest with ringlets of strawberry blonde and a toothless smile. All three triplets adored her however the same could not be said for their cousin Rachel who to put into words was the 'devil incarnate'.
She hadn't done anything inherently wrong, the three blondes just didn't see eye to eye with her at all. She was rather annoying, always crying about something or other. Amelia said she was just ahead of her time but Patrick and Liliana were never so kind.

The girl would often ruin the festivity of Christmas with her tantrums over presents and food. She was the pickiest eater on the planet and that was a fact. Usually she would leave it to the last minute to mention she didn't like a certain food ruining the atmosphere.
Even when asked if she liked something she'd often just lie and then later change her mind. She riled Patrick up like no one else could. Rachel was just one of those people who pissed him off.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now