15. a miscalculation

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~a miscalculation~

:quindecim:~a miscalculation~

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Patrick remembered the event between him and Percy vividly, after all he was only hyper rather than drunk. He regretted almost everything he'd said and the way that he'd said it. Patrick was better off just leaving the red head alone, maybe then his head wouldn't be so full of thoughts and emotions. He sat in an attempt to work by the window while Anna scribbled notes down faster than lightning. He wished he shared her work ethic and the motivation of many of his Ravenclaw peers however he found himself unable to write anything more than the title on his homework.

March was a bleak month for the weather. Outside the sky had turned a hazy yellow from fog mixed with sunlight. The hills were mere shadows from beneath the thick smoke like substance. The lake seemed to have an eery mist hanging over it as the black watery depths rippled lightly in the wind. It was also cold. Although spring was approaching, winters weather was still evident in the grounds and the sopping grass hydrated from the continuous rain showers they'd been experiencing.

"What lessons have you got tomorrow?" asked Anna without taking her eyes off her paper,
"Double potions, divination, charms and history of magic...it's my worst Friday"
"Hmmm I can see why" the blonde hummed "I've got a great day tomorrow"
"No need to rub it in" the boy sighed as he rested his head back on the chair behind him,
"Maybe I should just pretend to be ill" he contemplated,
"No you can't do that" Anna huffed "it's Friday after all... then you can have the weekend off"
"Yeah ok then" Patrick muttered in a disgruntled manner.

His Friday had been just as terrible as he had expected. Double potions was bad enough. Due to his lack of concentration he'd managed to miss almost half of the steps written on the black board warning him a fifteen minute lecture from Snape. The Divination classroom made him want to fall asleep, something about the sickly aroma and the heavy voice of the professor made his brain melt and his eyes droop. Charms wasn't bad but history of magic was arguably the most boring lesson to ever exist.

By the end of the day he was so close to drifting off that he didn't even notice that the lesson had finished. He sighed in relief as Leo shook his alert and signalled that it was time to go. Professor Binns hadn't noticed his laziness, he doubted he registered anything anymore considering he hadn't even noticed that he'd died.
He swung his bag over his shoulder and paced after Leo already dreaming about his warm four poster bed.

The corridors were full as the two boys pushed their way through crowds of people. The staircase clunked loudly as they continued to change placement. They seemed to enjoy doing this more when the hallways were full.
As they practically fell into another corridor out of the way of the hordes of people, Patrick spotted him standing at the other end. Percy. He didn't look up. He was in a deep conversation with the Ravenclaw Patrick recognised to be Penelope Clearwater. She was laughed loudly confusing Patrick as Percy was definitely not known to be that funny.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now