28. pretentious prefects

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~pretentious prefects~

:duodetriginta: ~pretentious prefects~

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"Your school letters are here!" Harriet Larson called from the kitchen "Anna yours is here too, they must know you're staying here with us... do wizards know everything"
"Dumbledore does" Patrick smirked as he took the letters from his mother's hand and passed one to his best friend who was standing behind him,
"That's a bit weird" Harriet shivered as she rested back against the counter.

"I can't believe I'm starting fourth year... and you're going to be doing OWL's"
"Remind me again Pat" Amelia smiled as she entered the kitchen "are OWL's just like wizarding GCSE's?"
"Exactly like that" Patrick replied as he peeled back the seal on his yellowing envelope.

"We have to get Gilderoy Lockhart's entire collection this year for defence against the dark arts" Anna pondered "I guess the new teacher must be a big fan"
The students previous defence against the dark arts teacher (professor Quirrel) had died last year after hosting Lord Voldemort on the back of his head. It had been quite the gossip within school for the last few weeks.

"Who's Gilderoy Lockhart?" Liliana asked,
"He's a wizard who's done all of these incredible things" Anna beamed "and he's dashingly handsome"
"I beg to differ" Patrick frowned as he pulled his own supply list out of the envelope,
"He's charming trust me" Anna grinned, "I think this year will be quite good don't you agree Pat?"

The blonde boy had gone silent as he stared into the almost empty envelope,
"What is it?" Anna asked "have they sent you the wrong letter of something?"
Patrick carefully placed his hand into the envelope and felt his finger enclose around something small and metal.

As he pulled it to the surface his heart almost stopped beating entirely.
"Is that what I think it is?" Anna gasped in surprise as Patrick let the small blue badge lie on his palm.
"What is it?" Asked Harriet curiously,
"It's a prefect badge" Patrick muttered "it's confirmed then... Dumbledore's gone mad... why else would he give me prefect?"


"It's a shame I can't sit with you on the train this year" Anna sighed as they boarded the Hogwarts express,
"I'm sure you'll do just fine sitting with Lee" Patrick laughed "anyway I'm the unfortunate one here... I have to endure an hour long meeting about being a prefect"
"I wonder who the Ravenclaw girl is" Anna pondered.

"Leo deserves this more than me" whined the blonde as he looked at the neat badge he'd pinned to his jumper "he's wanted it for ages"
"Well you can't do anything about that" Anna smiled sweetly "anyway I'm off to find Lee so I'll see you in a bit"
"Yeah bye... see you in a bit if I make it out of this meeting alive"

Patrick slid open the compartment door and was immediately greeted by dozens of eyes indicating that he was late.
Prefects from the previous year retained their status even through sixth year meaning their were about sixteen prefects sat waiting as well as the head boy and girl who seemed rather impatient.

The blonde immediately made eye contact with Annabelle who was sporting her own green prefect badge. He hurried over and sat beside her,
"So it's you who got the badge... Leo presumed it must have been Sean"
"Trust me... I'm just as surprised as you"

"Have you heard about the new defence against the dark arts teacher?" Bella asked quickly as the head boy and girl got up to begin their meeting,
"No... they must be a Lockhart enthusiast though I had to buy his entire collection,
"Patrick the new teacher is Lockhart"
"Oh brilliant just when I thought the year couldn't get any worse and now we have to be taught by that narcissist".

"Attention everyone" the head boy called out in a pointed manner. The head boy and girl were already dressed in their school robes. Patrick took a quick look around and noticed that they were nearly the only ones except for one prefect sitting right at the front. What an idiot.

Patrick turned his gaze to the boys hair and noticed immediately that he had been looking at Percy Weasley. Of course, how could he be so stupid? In all the confusion surrounding the idea of him being made prefect, Patrick had almost forgotten that he'd have to work alongside Percy possibly the biggest git of them all.


"Bella I'll catch up with you in a bit" Patrick called as the prefect meeting finally ended. It could only be described as one of the most boring things that the blonde had ever sat through.
Annabelle nodded to him and took off down the corridor (probably to find Leo and tell him all about it). Life had been better at school since Leo and Patrick made up, things hadn't been quite right without it and now they were back to being a friend group of four.

Patrick pretended to tie his shoe lace as he watched the budding and older prefects traipse out of the room.
"Why are you loitering?" A cold voice asked, Patrick looked up to see Percy Weasley standing in his black school robes and looking as pretentious as ever.

"I'm tying my shoe lace Weasley, can't exactly throw me in detention this year"
"I've never questioned the decision making of our head teacher until now" Percy scoffed "who in their right mind would make you a prefect?"
"I've been wondering the same thing... guess it will help me get away with more"

"That is not the point and if you even try to abuse your powers I will make sure that they are taken off you"
"Relax Weasley I'm only joking, no need to be a git about it"
Ever since Percy had called Patrick a mistake the blonde had been very careful to always call him Weasley.

Little did Patrick know that this change actually had quite a bad effect on the prefect who tensed up almost every time he heard his surname. He knew this was a form of punishment from the blonde and he was still not denying that he was deserving.

"Well ... congratulations then Larson"
"Don't be nice to me" scowled Patrick "you've already shown who you actually are no need to hide away now"
"Well you just insulted me for being a git so what exactly am I supposed to do?"
"I don't know maybe um... leave me alone"

"You were the one hanging back here so you could get some snide comment in about how you became prefect" Percy snarled. Patrick raised his eyebrows as he felt the blood rush suddenly to his face,
"I'll have you know I was hanging back to tie my shoelace, I didn't even make a dig at you Weasley, you were the one who started the conversation".

Percy pondered for a moment before realising that the blonde was completely right.
"Well then... I'm going to roam the train and make sure no ones breaking any rules" Percy replied in his regular pompous tone,
"Yeah go back to being a git, at least that's something you're good at"

Patrick pushed his shoulder past the prefect with such force that Percy stumbled out of the way,
"Pretentious ass-hole" Patrick cursed under his breath hoping that Percy would hear.
Percy did in fact hear the muttered words and as he did so he swore he could feel another part of his soul shatter.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now