24. confusion and regret

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:vīgintī quattuor:
~confusion and regret~

:vīgintī quattuor: ~confusion and regret~

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"Go over it again"
"I've gone over it like five times now Anna, you know exactly what happened"
"But I don't understand why... usually I can always hone someone's feelings and emotions but now ... well it makes no sense"
"Maybe that's all we need to know... that Percy was upset and was trying to feel something other than the hurt he was going through... basically he used me"
"That's the most obvious answer" frowned Anna "but for that to be true.. Percy would have to be gay and a really shitty person"
"Well that's not a surprise... maybe to gay part but... come on Anna we both know Percy was a git"
"Yes but not this much of a git"

The two blondes sat in discussion by the Ravenclaw tower window as the nerves in Patrick's body seemed to be on a never ending spiral. His brain was mushed to confusion but his body was awake. His leg jittered up and down dancing to an unheard song as he lightly drummed his fingers on the arm of the comfortable blue velvet chair.

He may be under the pretence that Percy used him but Patrick was still excited about the moment the two boys had shared in the out of order bathrooms. As stupid as it may sound, Patrick had never felt like that before. His only other kiss had been with Sean and while kissing him the blonde had been thinking of the ginger prefect anyway.

Patrick couldn't explain why he liked Percy but he was confident enough to say that he felt something for him. That much had been confirmed by the fast paced beating of his heart and the shivers that had rushed down his spine when their lips had met.

"I have to go find him" Patrick jumped up alarming Anna who was still pondering out the situation,
"Now?" She frowned "he'll be in his common room"
"So?" The boy shrugged "I'll go to Gryffindor common room"
"I don't think knocking down the common room door and demanding to see him will do either of you any good"
"You don't think he'll want to see me?" Patrick asked as he sat slowly back down into his seat,
"No I figured that he wouldn't considering he told you it was a mistake"


The word stung his senses as it rushed through his mind. The thought he'd been used and not wanted hurt him. The idea that the boy he'd been pining after for so long had thrown him away like a discarded toy that didn't have any real emotions pained him like nothing else could.

Patrick was used to this. Not necessarily because he'd experienced it but because he had prepared himself for it. Literally speaking he was a mistake. His mother wouldn't ever give him and his sisters away in her wildest dreams but she hadn't originally wanted them. Amelia and Patrick had never really cared about this. What did it matter if they weren't planned? It had been Liliana that delved the insecurities into their minds leading them to believe that they'd always be outsiders in the world.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now