39. the shadows

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:triginta novem:
~the shadows~

:triginta novem:~the shadows~

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"Are you sure you feel up to going back to lessons" Anna asked tentatively as Patrick fell into the chair opposite her at breakfast, "no one expects you to... you should wait until you're ready"
"I am ready" Patrick countered as his eyes scanned over the room, he noticed that many people were staring back at him, "they're all looking at me"
"Course they are" Leo noted as he slid into the seat beside the blonde, "everyone knows what happened... how are you though?"

"Better" Patrick shrugged "I'm not going for round two if that's what you're asking"
"I just want to know you're ok" Leo smiled supportively, "are you sure you're ready-"
"Course I'm ready" Patrick scoffed, "it's been a week"
"Yeah... that's not too long" Anna smiled, "look I'm thrilled to have you back but I just want to make sure it's the right decision",
"It is" Patrick rolled his eyes.

Truthfully he wasn't sure how he felt, when he thought of his sister his expression would harden and his heart would ache. When he thought about seeing her again a weird rush would sound in his stomach as the butterfly in his mind came to life but when he remembered what had happened last time he was filled with guilt and regret. Patrick certainly didn't want to lose those around him, even if that meant he had to give up the hope of seeing his sister again.

However after spending a week living like a hermit moving between the common room and his dorm, he realised how much he missed actually going to lessons. Patrick's mind was anything but stable however the conditions he was placing himself in were definitely making it worse. Dumbledore had sensed that the right decision would be to send him home however the blonde boy had disagreed, his house reminded him too much of Liliana and he needed to escape from the idea that he could see her again.

"We have defence against the dark arts now" Anna sighed as she stared down at her paper timetable. Patrick smiled slightly in relief, he was sure that he'd have excused himself if potions or history of magic had been first however defence against the dark arts was slowly becoming his favourite subject.

It was mostly because of Professor Lupin, he was challenging Sinistra for the title of his favourite teacher and he'd only been here for a few months. Something about the way he conducted lessons made them enjoyable even if the first lesson they'd had, he'd seen his sister contorted and dying. Since then the lessons had got better (which wasn't too hard).

The group walked up to the defence against the dark arts classroom where Lupin was already there waiting. Patrick had become used to people giving him nervous glances and sympathetic looks as he walked through the corridors, it was as though they saw him as a walking psychopath.

Lupin's lesson was decent, they did non verbal spells which was slightly more advanced than OWL level however it was known to come up on some of the previous practical exams. Anna (despite being a year younger) found these spells easier than Patrick however it was fair to say his mind was somewhere else.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now