The Pirate

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|Full name| Ailith Manico

|Nickname| The Siren

|Role| Sailing Master 

|What they do on the ship?| Drives the ship if need be and keeps track of where they are going and where they have been and in some cases steps up to lead if she has too

|Appeared age| 20

|Actual age| 520

|Gender| female

|Sexuality| Straight

|Scars, Tattoo, Piercings, etc.| A full sleeve tattoo on her left arm (look at the photo below)

|Personality| Ailith is a bit of a flirt, but to thoses she is intrested in or if she is going to be used as bait. She is also pretty clever in getting the crew or herself out of tough spots. She also puts up a strong face that nothing bothers her, but deep down some of the things she had been forced to do or what people say behind her back.

|Backstory| Ailith and Camille were super close when they were younger, but one day in the middle of the night she watched her parents throw Camille out onto the streets and they never told her why, just to stay away from him. As she grew older Ailith got sick of being told what a "real woman" was supposed to do so she ran away when she was 16. She came across this crew who took her in and they used her to get treasue from unspecting rich men from a simple things as flirting and luring them into a trap, to sleeping and then stealing what she could from them. Years passed and when she was 19 she ran into her brother Camille while out on land. Her brother convinced her to leave and join his crew where she has stayed ever since.

|Likes| Singing, dancing, music, booze, and the ocean

|Dislikes| Her and her brother's curse the most, being underestmated, being told her place as a woman, the saying "That's not lady like.", and being used

|Strengths| Ailith has a high tolerance for booze, she is flexible, pretty good at tracking and finding all of her exit spots

|Weaknesses| Her heart, animals and small children as she believes they are inoccent and don't need to go through things she has been through, If something reminds her of a dark part about her past she will freeze for a few moments before coming back to reality

|Fears| Being alone romantically, unable to have children

|Curse?| The Siren 

|Short description| Every time she sings it can affect the mood of the people who hear her depending on her mood/song she sings, however, this can also work on her own crew too if they were to hear it.

|Health issues| PTSD

|Others| She has a small tresure chest that is filled with her own money and trinkets

|Others| She has a small tresure chest that is filled with her own money and trinkets

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