An Eye for an Eye Apocalyptic RP Book

13 0 3

Name: Evanora Eleonore  Parker

Nickname: Evan

Gender: Female

Pronoun: She/Her

Age: 30

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Wanderer 


Personality: Observant, Resourceful, Independent, Creative, and Vindictive 

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Personality: Observant, Resourceful, Independent, Creative, and Vindictive 

Likes: Her long bow, not having to pay for anything now, exploring, the hope that she is going to see her dad soon

Dislikes: Crowded spaces, zombies, talking about her family (Besides her father), running into people from her past

Family: Unsure is most of them are alive, but she knows her father is alive

Backstory: Evanora was left home alone one day and thought her family would have been back in a bit, however, a day became a week and she grew worried.  It didn't take long for her to learn about what was going on and she tried to stay at the house for as long as she could, before she had to leave in order to survive.

Before or After: Before 13

Trivia: Evanora has a killer shot and is great with a bow and arrow.  She travels around with a go to back which is filled with survival gear that was gifted to her by her biological father.  

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