Any zombie apocalypse

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Name: Lucy Ravena

Age: Depends on the apocalypse

Sexuality: Straight

Looks: Top picture/ Abbie Cornish

Position/what is her job: Medic/cook/sniper  

Why those job/jobs: Medic: she can do basic things like pull out a bullet, clean the wounds, and do stitching, but anything that has to do with surgery she can't be the lead doctor, but she will help if she needs too.

Cook: If you hunt for the food she with cook it, anything that is special like a cake she won't make unless you mean a lot to her.

Sniper: She has a killer shot and rarely misses her target, she is willing to stay up late and keep watch so long as she gets her fair share of sleep in the day or night, pending on when she is watching.

Theme song: Lovely by Billie Eillish 

The Walking Dead: Pending on what season we start you could find her as an adult or a child.

If found as a child: She would be found alone inside a car.  At first she won't talk due to being scared, but if she trust someone, like Carl or Carol (later on) she will open about why she was there and what happened to her mom, you won't find out about her dad till much later.

As an adult: She is with Negan's group, but only because she is his daughter.  She does help Rick's group and leaves soon join his side of the fight.  She doesn't get along with her father or the other men in Negan's group.

Crush: Carl, Daryl, or your oc.

Resident Evil: Lucy is infected with the Bio-Organic Weapons (BOWs) which is a virus that allows the person with the dominate part of the virus to control others, kinda like a master/slave relationship, however, hers is much stronger as she can even control newer zombies when they appear.  It doesn't work on people who are bonded to a virus, nor the regular humans that are still alive.  She doesn't use her abilities much for fear that the umbrella operation will try to capture her again or have another organization on her back.

Crush: Chris, or your oc.

Regular/not apart of a t.v show or movie:  Lucy can be seen wandering around before joining a/your group.  She doesn't talk much and seems very guarded, but that's because she doesn't want to lose more people.  No one really knows her backstory, but the ones who do, understand why she doesn't talk much.  The only thing people know is that she has three sets of dog tags, one of which is hers, one you can assume is only her father, and one that doesn't have the same name as her.  She will follow orders, even if she doesn't agree with them, but ask for her say and she will gladly give it.

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