Daughter of Poison Ivy

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Full Name: Danika Lily Isley

Nicknames: Danny, little ivy, flower

Alias: Thorn 

Hero or Villain: More Anti Hero than anything, but she normally isn't out doing something unless it's to help her mom, aunt, or the Bat Family 

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Height: 5'8 

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Height: 5'8 

Clothing style: Pretty much what you see above, lots of fun, sexy outfits that fit/suit her well.  As for an hero outfit, there is none as normally she covers herself in plants if she is actually going out to help the Bat Family, otherwise she likes to stick to normal civilian clothes since hardly anyone knows that she exist, or if they do know, not what she looks like

Piercings/Tattoos/Distinguishing Features: Both her ears are pierced, and she has a tattoo on her back/arms (See in image above)

Personality: Charismatic, Protective, Stubborn, Ambitious, Provocative

Crush: Jason Todd or your oc

Likes: The Rain, Warm Weather, Mixology, Helping out those she cares about with whatever it is that they need

Dislikes: Cold Weather, Joker and those that work for/with him (besides Harley Quinn and her kids), Getting Sick, When someone doesn't take care of their plants

Strengths: Danika has great control over her power and may even be stronger than her mother in some aspects of her powers, She also good at keeping secrets from people, which is part of the reason she is trusted with the Bat Family in knowing who they are and where they reside

Weaknesses: Danika is like any other plant, literally in the sense that she can't be without sunlight for too long or it will weaken her slowly cause her to fade away.  She doesn't do well in cold weather due to being a plant so she needs to stay warm, get all the sun light that she can

Fears: That her mother might go crazy due to her connection with the Green and decide that she is part of the problem, She's also worried that the Joker will follow through with his threat to her 

Occupation: Bartender at Black Mask's club and on call nurse for the Bat Family

Notable Family Members: Poison Ivy aka Pamela Isley (Mother), Father Unknown, Harley Quinn (Aunt)

Powers: Pheromone Control, Toxic Immunity, Plant Manipulation (Chlorokinesis), and Regenerative Healing Factor 

Weapons: Does the creations her and her mother make count?  Otherwise no

Background: Poison Ivy has been know for wanting children and creating them in anyways she could, Danika is one such child.  She grew up in a mostly stable environment, that is, whenever her mom wasn't sent to Arkham, however, Harley was always the back up to watch her, but the Joker soon found out and decided to torment her and Harley.  Eventually when Danika was older and her mom was in Arkham, she decided to visit Harley, but the Joker showed up and decided to take her on a little trip.  The trip was to visit a boy named Jason Todd.  The two formed an odd friendship, where she would visit him, under the watchful eye of the Joker for most of it, sneaking him food and promising to help get him out.  When she learned of Joker's plan to blow up the place Jason was hidden, she was quick to turn on the bat symbol and leave a note for Batman and the police commissioner, hoping someone would save him in time.  When she learned of his passing, she visited the place often, slowly turning it into a burial with lots of flowers, trees, and other plants.  As she grew up and her mother slowly started to lose it, she decided it was best to live on her own, but she needed money, and found herself working at one of Black Mask's clubs to make money.  Jason being undercover visited the place, and the pair had a small reunion, before she helped him with his mission.  From there she was slowly giving off information to him, and other heroes like Nightwing, or Batman if she caught them.  From there she slowly gained all of the Bat Family's trust and works closely with them

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