The Sweet Southern Lady and the Viper Outlaw

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"The Raven's are flying out, and the snakes are hissing loudly.  I reckon the Serpent is on her way."

Full Name: Millie Fletcher

Nicknames: Serpent, Witch, Viper

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Height: 5'5

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Height: 5'5

Piercings/Tattoos/Distinguishing Features: Both her ears are pierced 

Personality: Confident, protective, loyal, has no issues threatening someone, doesn't take shit from any one, does have a soft side to her though, but doesn't show it often

Likes: Witchcraft, having some people fear her, shooting guns, whiskey

Dislikes: The rich, those that killed the man she loved and the group she was with, crowed places, being told her place as a woman

Strengths: She has a killer shot and can hold her liquor 

Weaknesses: She doesn't trust easy after what happened to her

Fears: Not making her mark on the world

Hobbies: Singing, witchcraft, horseback ridding, shooting

Occupation: Witch and Outlaw

Other: Theme song is God's Gonna Cut You Down cover by Christian Larsson

"Ah, the girl with a voice like summer rain.  Too bad she is too shy to sing for everyone."

Full Name: Elva Hanson

Nicknames: Bloodlust, nurse, Lady Hanson

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Height: 5'3

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Height: 5'3

Piercings/Tattoos/Distinguishing Features: Both ears pierced 

Personality: Shy, sweet, caring, loyal, this girl couldn't hurt a fly which is why she finds the nickname 'Bloodlust' amusing, can stand up for herself and others if needed

Likes: Singing, playing music, helping others, the rain

Dislikes: Talking about her past, seeing others forced into a place or marriage that they don't want to be in, being touched by people she doesn't know, how her ex husband has messed with her

Strengths: She is a skilled nurse and can run a farm all by herself

Weaknesses: She doesn't trust easily and her PTSD

Fears: Falling in love with someone like her ex husband

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, cooking/baking, reading

Occupation: She was a nurse and a housewife, now she helps Millie out when she can

Other: Theme song Hurt cover by Christian Larsson

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