The Royal Vampire Siblings

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Full Name: Marceline Constantine

Nicknames: Mar, Marcy, Queen of the Damned

Age: "Do you think that was a wise to ask?"

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Royal Vampire


Height: 5'8

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Height: 5'8

Personality: Protective, cunning, sassy, honest

Strengths: She is a powerful vampire and hold a lot of power, not just by being a powerful creature, but by being in a position of power

Weaknesses: Her younger siblings and hearing anything about her parents 

Hobbies: Dancing, and baking/cooking

Powers:  Vampire Monarch + Werebat Physiology

Theme song: Gasoline Savages

Full Name: Raul Constantine

Nicknames: None

Age: "Why do you need to know?"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Vampire


Height: 6'0

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Height: 6'0

Personality: Level headed, stoic, outgoing, protective

Strengths: He is an excellent hunter

Weaknesses: Anyone who threaten his family and not feeding after a certain amount of time

Hobbies: Hunting, parkor, and fishing

Powers: Superhuman strength, stamina, and senses, and accelerated healing factor

Theme song: Animal I have become

Full Name: Victoria Constantine

Nicknames: V, Tori

Age: "I don't think you should ask a lady that."

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Vampire


Height: 5'4

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Height: 5'4

Personality: Sweet, naive, caring, passive

Strengths: She has powerful visions of the future

Weaknesses: She can only see bits and pieces

Hobbies: Painting, singing, and playing musical instruments

Powers: True vampire and + Subjective Precognition

Theme song: Game of Thrones acapella ver. by Anna

Extra Information: 

For this world of vampires: There's a council of vampires and it's supposed to consist of one member from each royal family which there are five, however, Dracula couldn't just have one wife, and some of the other vampires got greedy with lovers as well, so what was supposed to be a council of five has become a 12 member council. The Constantine family only has one person repersenting them, the oldest daughter Marceline. The Dracula family has three, one for each wife. Two other familes have three members as well, but the last one only has two. To say each member gets along would be a lie. Marceline makes it a point to call out the other houses when they are being greedy, or have idiotic ideas.

Not every vampire gets to have powers and it's rare when one does outside of the royal vampires. To tell if one is royal when they show their fangs or true form, their eyes are red or a fiery orange colour. You'll still hear some vampires thinking themselves better than the rest of the humans or other supernatural creatures, but the one supernatural creature you hear the most distain for are the werewolves. This feud between them as being going on for centuries, however, not all vampires are like this, some because they believe the feud being pointless, and others for being secretly half breeds.

For this world of werewolves: There isn't a council, however, there are lots of packs of werewolves. They tend to stick to their group and do what's best for them. The only time werewolves have all gotten together is for anything serious like war, but that hasn't happened in many, many years.

Werewolves look very much like the ones in 2004 movie Van Helsing when they shift and follow the same rules. When the full moon is out, they shift, however, if the moon is covered they shift back to a human, that is, until the full moon is shown again. 

Most werewolves still have a strong hatred for vampires due to the many wars they have had with one another. Vampires seem to be the only thing most werewolves can agree on for hating, other supernatural creatures are all depending on the group your in, or if you have no group, then your own thoughts about them.

For wizards/witches of this world: There is a council of them and there are royals, but not much is known about them to the outsiders. They seem to be one of the more calmer groups for the supernatrual world, but that may be due to the lack of information outsiders have.Different covens work on different types spells and it's all decided by their leader. No one really knows how they get chosen, however, the ones that are royal are normally the ones that stay in power for their coven.Whenever a coven holds a party for everyone it's one of the most memorizing things anyone has ever seen and is a rare event for any outsider to attend, so if you're lucky to attend one, make sure you are on your best behaviour.

For humans in this world: Humans have always been intresting. Some humans believe in the supernatral, others do not. The ones that do are either the light conspiracy theorist, or the nut job that begs whatever supernatral creature they believe in to turn them into one of them.For vampires they manipulate the humans with the promise of turning them into one, however, they are just used for feeding, and when one catches on, they disappear. The Constantine family doesn't do this to humans, instead they make it clear what will happen otherwise they ignore most of the humans and just take blood from blood drives or hunt from animals, though younger and greedier vampires learned this trick and would steal more than they need, hence why you see needs for people in this world to donate blood.For werewolves they act like they don't know what they are talking about, however, once a full moon hits then it's out of their control if the human gets bitten or not.For the witches and wizards it depends on who you asked, however, not everyone is meant to be magical or have magical powers, and humans can get greedy and rude if they do not get what they want, but they are normally dealt with as quietly as possible

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