Overwatch OC

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Full Name: Fallon Diana Hart

Nicknames: Ms. Hart, Viper, Fall

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Human


Height: 5'3

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Height: 5'3

Outfit: Like this, but without the ruffles on her chest

Outfit: Like this, but without the ruffles on her chest

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Outfit outside of the team: 

Personality: Observant, Hardworking, Protective, Elegant, Vindictive

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Personality: Observant, Hardworking, Protective, Elegant, Vindictive

Likes: Singing, training, the colour red, the quote "Look like a flower, but be the serpent underneath."

Dislikes: The Hashimoto clan, her past with Blackwatch, the colour pink, hot weather

Best Friends: Hanzo, Genji, and Kriko

Friends: Cassidy, Mercy, Zen, and Tracer

Enemies: Widowmaker, Sigma, Doomfist, and Moria

Team: Originally is was the Shimada Clan, then Blackwatch, and currently it's Overwatch

Why she joined: She was convinced to join, but it took almost everyone she knew to do so as she didn't feel like she would do well with another group

Support/DPS/Tank: DPS

Weapon: A spear that she uses in her ult, and some throwing needles 

Abilities: She can double jump, wall climb, and when using her needles she has a bleed affect much like the Junker Queen, but much smaller than hers

Crush: Hanzo

Reason: She always thought Hanzo was attractive ever since they met when they were young (Her father was working for/with his father), as they got older her feelings only grew, and it didn't help that the idea of uniting the two of them was planned when they were teenagers.   However, once the clan fell, and both Hanzo and Genji disappeared, that plan fell through, but she couldn't stop thinking about him.

Backup: Cassidy

Reason: Cassidy when they worked together always had a way with words, and knew how to help her relax before a mission.  She appreciated him, and eventually his charm got her her and she started to fall for him.

Backstory: Fallon was raised by her her father and her father alone since her mother wanted nothing to do with her or her father once she was born.  He found work by joining and helping the Shimada Clan and she found friends by training with the sons of the clan leader.  

As she got older, she had a knack for sneaking into places and gathering information without anyone knowing it was her, and she grew close to the eldest son Hanzo.  Their father's after seeing how close the pair was thought it might be best to set them up together when the time came, and Fallon and Hanzo spent even more time together.

Once the clan leader passed she could see the toll it was taking on Hanzo, as now he needed to be the one making the hard calls.  She wasn't there during the incident, but she heard about it through others and since there was no heir, the Hashimoto clan quickly made their move to take over.

It took a few years, but she finally escaped and somehow ended up in an undercover group known as Blackwatch, where she saw her friend Genji again.  She was grateful to know her friend was alive and naively or out of loyalty to him, she joined the group and helped them with their missions.  

Once they were discovered and after being fed up with the direction of the group, she left to go back home and do her own thing.  She became quite the popular singer at clubs and even though she was approached by many people to join Overwatch, the only person that she caved to was Genji, when she heard he found Hanzo and that he was with the group.

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