Walk in the Light 2

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Role: Runner for the Patriots

Name: Valencia Zenaida Beaumont aka Golden Venus

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

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Positive Traits: 

Captivating/Dazzling/Fascinating: Ever since she was young, she always had a way of charming people, and as she grew older and was able to hone her skills more, it has only grown from there.  She has the ability to hold people's attention in an engaging and compelling manner.  This makes her seem like the perfect friend, confidant, and a trustworthy person.

Perspicacious: Valencia has always been a perceptive person and is quick to notice, realize, and understand things quickly that most people don't noice in the background.  This helps make her the perfect spy for her group, and anyone else who requires her services.  This also helps her in terms of choosing what kind of people she wants to have in her life, and the people who to stay away from.

Forthcoming: When it comes to the people that she is close to, and the people that she is doing deals with, she is very honest and open with them, in terms of communication.  She also doesn't hold back or hide anything when it comes to uncomfortable or difficult conversations with people.  She is very sincere with her conversations to people she is close to, which helps with doing her job, getting deals, and doing her work as a spy for the Patriots.

Elegant:  Valencia was always taught from a young age that her appearance and how others see her is important to the world, and thus she must always look her best.  This has made a habit of her making sure that she always looks good no matter the occasion, event, or for herself.  It's not just in appearance though, it also comes through her use of words, movement, and behaviour.

Negative Traits: 

Perfectionist: Due to how Valencia's parents treated her accomplishments compared to her brother, she has this desire to make sure everything is perfect, no matter if it's her appearance, skills, how neat her room or work is, everything must be perfect.  At times this has lead her to drive herself to the brink of insanity in order to make sure is perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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