a.I. think i need to address something (important)

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Honestly, I'm fucking scared outta my shits right now. I can't begin to tell you how freaked out I am. (I may be paranoid but with good reasoning)

If you've read through all 3 of the books (which thank you if you did ) you'd know that I got into danganronpa thanks to a YouTuber named Bijuu mike and I know that some of you guys watch Bijuu mike too and there's been some drama going around for stuff he didn't do wrong but people are easily getting offended by and it's getting him canceled and I don't want that to happen to my boy Bijuu. 

I know he's made a Twitter post on Halloween explaining everything and apologizing about everything but a bunch of people are saying it's "half-assed" that he didn't even address the situation. I'm mainly talking about his comparison of gays to vegans and I'd like to share an opinion.  I have already done so on youtube (my name is jacksepticisaac the giant rat on youtube) but every time I'm typing a comment I start shaking for no reason (similar to how aizakku shakes xD that's kinda the reference... surprise...)

(ok not I've finally figured out that the whole shaking while being flustered is called sexual reflux but that also resembles me. A lot of Aizakku's character arc and development is most of my life in a nutshell Like the whole scar on the side of his head and him getting his hand shut in a door.)

I wouldn't say this if I didn't share the same opinion with him when it comes to the LGBT. I fully understand that not everyone has a preference to be straight but at the same time when it comes to the point when they come out most of the time they tend to never stop coming out. I'll admit, I've scrolled through discord through servers of people who are mostly gay and nbs and allies. and there are moments where they keep posting all these yuri ships (it happens quite a lot with anyone who is biologically a female) and they'll say something involving how gay they are or how they're gay panicking or something to the point like it makes me want to ask "why did you post the image again?" or something like that.

And I understand that if your gay it's not a choice to realize your sexuality but it IS a choice to follow it. I know some people are gay and want to be in a straight relationship just so they can have kids from their flesh and blood. That IS indeed a choice. And I've seen youtube comments of people asking on how to be straight just so they can go to family gatherings and it just sickens me to my skull that they don't even give them a chance they just say "fuck the parents they're homophobic they don't love you". 

Word of advice, If you come out as something don't get too proud to the point that's all you talk about at that point it's not being proud. It's pretty much asking for attention and it just makes you another toxic member of their community. That toxicity is what's ruined the Lgbt community in itself and it is that reason why I do not support it. It's not because of your sexuality/gender

No, I am not homophobic. But I'm not an ally either. At most, I am uneducated by most of their shit (mainly because heaven forbid there's so much to fucking learn I swear I need 12 more years of school) but I'm willing to learn so long it is the actual truth and not just some toxic trash talk, saying if I'm not an ally, I'm homophobic and because I said one thing that's homophobic I'm a bad person in general and deserved to die in hell. And most l likely am not going to get that information because from what most I've heard it's through beliefs which I'll admit some are true but most of them are subjective truths which you shouldn't be running by throughout your life.

On that note, I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'm not sure how this affects me or this story. Because Aizakku isn't exactly supportive either because of some trama (I haven't explained it but it will be announced in the second book) At this point, I'm just getting myself into more drama that I don't want to be a part of and was never a part of but I just don't know what to do. I've already dealt with toxic gays attack me once and I lost several friendships because of my being confused or saying something out of context. (I said I wanted to live life normally and that got backlash and you can not tell me that less than 5 percent of LGBT in America is considered the LGBT being normalized I wasn't saying that they were abnormal.) I don't want to be set as a bad person to the rest of the world just because I have an opinion and they have subjective truths vs objective truths.

Look if you don't like something just don't watch it. Don't send hate in the comments just because you hate them. (There is a dislike button for a reason) No one is homophobic unless they're constantly making homophobic jokes. Bijuu mike just did the one part which I struggle to understand how it's homophobic especially how he said MULTIPLE TIMES afterward that he doesn't care who his fanbase consists of and that the LGBT is accepted in his community.

I'm sorry if I offend anybody I just am too frightened to keep it to myself anymore...

btw I am still working on this I've just been busy with school and probably post something later in the month

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