A.I another confession

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Yoruko: Emma...

Shinji: Darn it...

Yuki: ...Why...Just why?! You were close friends with Kokoro... Why did you do it, Emma?!

Hibiki: Why do you think she did when there's only one possible reason?! It's cause she's a Void! Aren't you a void, Em? Huh?!

Aizakku: Moreover, Why did you join the Void? I won't accept this unless you tell me that like Hajime.

Nikei: Hey. Isn't it too early to say that? We're not entirely sure if the relationship "Murderer = Void" is 100% true.

Teruya: It would be best if Emma explains it to us herself.

Setsuka: Emmie, tell us. Tell us about the reason you were gonna murder Kokoro


Mikado: There's no need to mind my presence, Ms. Magorobi. Speak freely as you desire.

Yoruko: ...What? What's he talking about?

Mikado: Your abilities are far superior to those of Mr. Makunouchi, so I put my trust in you. You use this little time you have left in you. You may use this little time you have left in any way you want.

Emma: ...*Sigh* ...Nothing big. I did it because I'm a Void like you pointed out. That's all. Just like Hajime was, I am Mikado's co-conspirator and ally too. I'm sorry if you expected something saintly from me.

Iroha: V-void...

Hibiki: See...? I told you...

Shinji: B-But the Voids... Weren't they no longer willing to work with Mikado, after he betrayed them?

Emma: Betrayed... Yes, Hajime died, and we weren't told that we would die for real also. From our perspective, Mikado indeed betrayed us.

Ibuki: Then why...? Why did you commit murder?

Emma: ...It's too late to turn back for us. Us Voids... We cannot be saved even if we decide not to go on with the plan at this point. If we antagonized Mikado and helped you... Escape this island, there would be absolutely nothing left for us.

Yuki: But you didn't have to go as far as murder...!!

Aizakku: I don't know what's your motive but I know as the ultimate friend it is my duty to help you get over it!

Emma: It's not something that can be solved magically like that!! You don't know anything about us! We have our own reasons for doing this!!

Kanade: Is that why you did it? Was it to carry out Voids plan, as a member of the group?

Nikei: Kokoro: said Hajime's murder was coordinated in advance. They must have a goal that should be accomplished no matter what, even if it means killing someone and risking execution.

Setsuka: So Emmie... was supposed to murder too?

Kokoro: In the end... It's inevitable.

Mikado: That is one point that I find strange as well. I am certain Ms. Magorobi's turn was yet to come.

Teruya: Huh...? What do you mean...?

Mikado: I will give a brief explanation. Each of the five Voids has a responsibility to murder in a set order. I believe Mr. Makunouchi has mentioned this before. Of course, anyone else is welcome to kill. You may think of this as a safeguard against possible deadlocks. If only Voids commit murder, other Voids with knowledge of the kill order would know the identity of the culprit long before the Trial.

Monocrow: It would be like watching a mystery TV show after being spoiled the ending Neither fair nor entertaining.

Aizakku: Sounds like the Danganronpa fanbase.

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now