A.i.nother simulation

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As Ibuki Nikei and I left the room there was an announcement.

Monocrow: Upupu... Fellow Comrades, you should imme-immediately come over to the oracle room. You should c-c-c-c-come beary-v-very quickly~

Aizakku: Ibuki, you saw that phasing, right?

Ibuki: Of course! How could I not see Monokuma?

Aizakku: Something's up. We should hurry.

Nikei was following us but he wasn't interacting with us.


Aizakku: What the hell is this?

This room was extraordinary just looking at its layout.

I heard the door open behind me.

Yuki: Woah, what is up with this room...?

Yuri: My word...

Yoruko: Oh, Nikei!

Setsuka: Looks like Aizakku and Ibuki are here too.

Hibiki: Hey, where'd you guys go? The two of you suddenly disappeared

Aizakku: I needed some help carrying the secret weapon to the charging room and the only person I could ask to help was the only other person who knows: Ibuki.

Ibuki just gave a ;P and her eyes turned into stars.

(Actually, that was true. We decided to give ourselves an alibi to prevent letting everyone else know what our plan was. and the room that we were in was very close to my room so it wasn't too hard to get close to the power room from there) 

Sora: I see Mikado's here as well.

Shinji: Where was this brat hiding anyway?

Kokoro: He seems... off...

Mikado: Everyone... I'm finished... There is simply... no hope for me left...

Aizakku: Bruh, the fuck?

Ibuki: Bruh what?

Sora: What's up with him?

Yoruko: Moreover, Nikei! Who do you think you are, running about without telling us a thing!

Nikei: What's that supposed to mean? You guys have no right over what I'm doing. Don't you act as you care for me?

Yoruko: What did you say!?

Sora: Yoruko!

Yoruko: Hmph, Why do I even bother talking to you. You disgust me.

Syobai: Hey, why'd you call us? You're wasting precious time. Speak your objective, you worthless crow.

Monocrow: ...

Mikado: It's no use. He won't be able to respond with his current state.

Ibuki: What are you blabbering about now, Mikado, Monocrow!? Why are you 2 acting sus right now?!

Yuki: It's like something bad is gonna happen ever since we've arrived on this island.

Nikei: By the way, where's Iroha?

Yoruko: Huh? Now that you mention it... I think she said she wasn't feeling well?

Yuki: She still must have heard the announcement... unless she fell asleep?

Ibuki: I dunno Ibuki's a heavy sleeper and she usually gets woken up pretty easily from that...

Just then the door opened.

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now