A.I. nother motive

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Later that day I found more parts for my secret weapon at the S-mart I'm so lucky that I found enough crow cards from time to time. I ended up spending the rest of the day wither working on the parts or preparing for Kanade.

Aizakku: These should do...

That night there was a knock on my door.

Ibuki: Helloooooooo~!

Aizakku: Be right there. Don't go breaking my lock again.

I opened the door and Ibuki pulled me out.

Aizakku: Whoa, hey! Don't tell me you're getting dangerously thirsty again!

Ibuki: I mean, unless you want me to~

Aizakku: Not right now, please.

Ibuki: Actually Ibuki was instructed to bring you over for roll call.

Aizakku: Oh yeah. I guess I forgot about that.

Ibuki: Don't worry Ibuki did too She just happened to be walking to her room at that same moment so Shinji and Yoruko asked me to bring everyone.


Aizakku: Hey guys sorry that I forgot about the roll call.

Shinji: Where were yoooooou?!!

Aizakku: Easy big guy! I told you guys several times that I was gonna be in my room working on my secret weapon if anyone needs me!

Yoruko: Was the number of boys this small from the start? If we subtract Mikado Nikei and Syobai from our usual meeting members.

Yuri: That makes me, Yuki, Aizakku, and Teruya.

Setsuka: How's Teru doing? Has he still not waken up?

Kokoro: I tried knocking on his door a few minutes ago but alas... no response.

Hibiki: Well, there's still a lot to investigate from this island, so we can wait.

Kanade: S-sis... You look pretty happy...

Hibiki:  Why, of course! If Teruya did regain his memories, we might be able to get a hold of some big clues! And if things go well, we might escape from this island altogether! He definitely knows some secrets about this place.

Iroha: Yup. That got me happy throughout the entire day. I'm so excited about what he can tell us... I was like ~maybe I should play around all day until he wakes up!

Hibiki: Uh, Roro. I think that's going a bit too far. Get a hold of yourself.

Iroha: O-oh, really...? I-I'm sorry.

Setsuka: Anyways, excluding Mikado, Syobai, and Nikei, everyone is safe.

Sora: Then what about those three? Do we just leave them?

Yuki: Mikado and Syobai are dangerous, to begin with. As for Nikei... He's just gonna avoid us no matter what anyway...

Monocrow: It's 10 p.m. The Monocruise gates will now close, and sleeping in places other than your room is against the rules. Thank you for your hard work today, and I hope you have a peaceful night...

Yoruko: Ah, the midnight announcement. Is everyone clear?

Ibuki: Looks like no one is planning on murdering in the first day!

Kanade: So now, everyone excluding Mikado, Syobai, Nikei, and Teruya has an alibi.

Yuki: ...W-well we don't have time to care about them. or drag them to this meeting.

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now