A.I.nother scar

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Ow! My stomach hurts so much!

I woke up in a hospital bed and looked down in my shirt. I had stitches done on my stomach. Thank god I was asleep through all of that.

I cursed at myself. How many more scars am I gonna receive in my life? This is my 8th scar if you count the spike scars as one for each injury.

The door opened and Ibuki Walked in.

Ibuki: Oh! You're awake! Yay! Ibuki knew you would survive!

Aizakku: If I survived falling into spikes and a fucking boombox, This is nothing! What the hell happened again?

Ibuki: You were stabbed by that one guy. Syobai I think was his name. A whole day has passed since then, you know? It's noon right now.

Aizakku: A whole day...? Jesus...

Ibuki: As soon as you fainted Monokuma... I mean Monocrow freaked out and said something like: 

Ibuki went into her best Monocrow impression.

Ibuki: "Violence like this isn't allowed in a school environment!" He told us not to do anything until further instructions were given.

Aizakku: So it's really is Jabberwock all over again. But this time it's under Monocrow's rules instead of Monomi. Wait... Who gave me stitches?

Ibuki: Uh... Believe it or not, those were made by Syobai himself...

Aizakku: I'd rather have Mikan treat me, but this is at least doable.

Ibuki: Ibuki finds it very strange that the person who stabbed you also treated you.

Aizakku: Well, the same thing would have happened to Sora, had I not acted the way I did.

Ibuki: Ibuki thinks It should have been Ibuki herself to treat your wounds. She'd have Mikan on the dial after all!

Aizakku: Wait, since when did you bring your phone?

Ibuki: Oh, Future foundation was so nice to give us modifications to the watches to call the rest of class 77!

Aizakku: Huh... That might come in handy in the future. Mikan especially.

Ibuki: Can you stand?

Aizakku: Yeah. It hurts to bend my stomach but I'm good. Hey! This is actually a good time to test out the watch! I know the perfect person to call!

Ibuki: Oh, are you calling Mikan about the stitches?

Aizakku: Nope. I'm calling someone who has already been in this scenario.

I pushed a button, and it rang for a bit, but eventually, he picked up.

Aizakku: Fuyuhiko! What up?!

Fuyuhiko: Son of a bitch! Aizakku? Is that you? 

Aizakku: Yeah, and Ibuki is here too.

Ibuki: Hi baby gangsta!

Fuyuhiko: You're STILL referring to me by that name?! Jesus, you never grow up!

Aizakku: How have you guys been doing?

Fuyuhiko: It's been fine. I'm actually back in the Kuzuryu clan, although it's been boring without being with the rest of class 77 except Peko... She says hi by the way. So what did you want? Don't tell me you bastards just wanted to dial my number for a prank call.

Aizakku: Well, it isn't important but we're testing out our watches to see if they can call people besides Chiaki.

Fuyuhiko: Oh yeah, you 2 are still saving ultimate asses from killing games. But why'd you picked me?

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now