A.I. nother amnestic

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After Ibuki was satisfied with her search for the dolphins, (she didn't find any) we all went to the diner for some breakfast.

Yoruko: Good morning.

Aizakku: And how are you beautiful great doing today?

Ibuki: Good nomming-nomming-nomming! How are you at this time? Good-nomming-nomming-nomming! Ibuki's feeling fine!~

Setsuka: Ah, Ruko, Izakk, Ibu. I knew you'd come.

Aizakku: In the flesh!

I turned to all who was here. Sora, Yuki, Setsuka, Shinji, and Iroha.

Yuki: Big bro is so amazing. If it was just me, everyone would have been still fighting with each other. His leadership is so cool.

Shinji: Thank you two for coming.

Ibuki: of course!

Setsuka looked outside.

Setsuka: Well... I guess this is everyone I'm not surprised...

Ibuki: So no one else is coming? What a bummer!

Yuki: Well... We had to wait a lot for you three, so I guess there won't be anyone else.

Aizakku: Damn. I find it very sad that this is only half of the crew...But hey, give the others time I'll bet that they are still thinking about it and haven't made up their minds yet. I'm happy that everyone made their decision.

Yoruko: So Nikei, Emma, Kokoro, Yuri, and the twins are the ones who aren't here, right?

Iroha: Well... I guess Mikado and Syobai are out of the question.

Sora: Come to think of it, where's Mikado? The food's already here.

Setsuka: Ah, about that... "I totally agree with Shinji! Everyone, did you miss my food? Let's eat and get through this together!" was what he said, so I only took the food and kicked him out of here.

Sora: Good.

Ibuki: Literally the only reason Ibuki's keeping him alive is because of that food! It's gotten to the point where I don't care about the island rules anymore! 

Shinji: So... the others will rather doubt each other to the end?

Yuki: ...Who'd blame them? To be honest, we can't even be sure if there's a void amongst us in the cafeteria.

Aizakku: Hey, give the others time I'll bet that they are still thinking about it and haven't made up their minds yet. I'm happy that everyone here has made their decision.

Shinji: Yeah, Maeda!! If you're gonna talk like that, leave!!

Yuki: Eh?! Wait, no, big bro. I didn't mean it like that...

Shinji: From now on you guys, no talking like that. Taking those thoughts into account itself is wrong! Once you get along naturally, the moment of unification will surely come... Change your perceptions, man!! Do you understand?!

Yuki: Y-Yes! Got it, bro!

???: Hmm, what a great quote!

I turned and I was Surprised to see Nikei walk in.

Nikei: Mind if I use that for the headline of a morning newspaper?

Setsuka: ...Nik.

Yoruko: Wait, you? What's up with you? Are you here to make fun of us?

Nikei: ...Sorry.

Yoruko: Huh?

Nikei: For the past few days after the trial... I was in a bad temper, wasn't I?

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now