A.I. nother truth

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I checked the watch that Ibuki let me use. It's not like she was ever using it. Where the hell were they?

Earlier today, I assigned a group meeting at around 4 pm today in the hotel I was staying in. I purposely left a couple of people out. But the trio was late.

Hibiki: Who are we waiting on again?

Aizakku: Oh nobody except dumb, dumber, and dumbest.

Yuri: ...

Is it me or does Yuri look scared shitless?

Yuki: Hey guys. Sorry, We're late.

Aizakku: Took you long enough. What, did one of you get kidnapped and the other two have to search the city?

Sora: ...

Aizakku: Holy shit. Did I get it right? Lemme guess... Syobai...

Yoruko: Yeah...

Aizakku Heh... It's gotten impossible to even impress myself.

Yoruko: Is this everyone?

Shinji: Iroha and Teruya aren't here.

Aizakku: Neither of them are needed. Teruya is nowhere to be found on the island, anyway.

Hibiki: And Iroha?

Aizakku: I'll explain that in a bit first of all I need you guys to lock the door in case Syobai or Mikado interfere.

Yoruko: I swear it's just going to be Nikei all over again.

She latched the door shut.

Aizakku: Heh I'm so tempted to bamboozle you guys and say you just triggered a bomb that'll blow up the whole room. But I'm a nice guy so I'll let you off the hook.

Kokoro: You said you had important business with us?

Aizakku: Mhm... We've got many things to talk about. First things first I'd Like to apologize to everyone for my recent actions since the trial... Hell, since we've gotten stuck in the tower. I understand you all believe that it was out of my character to do such a thing Especially when I already apologized for almost killing Kanade.

Setsuka: I can forgive you for all of the... But why do it?

Aizakku: To test you...

Yuki: Test us...?

Aizakku: To see which of you guys were willing to lose hope in me.

Kiibo: Please explain further.

Aizakku: I am aware that a few of you are doubting whether or not I am actually the last member of the void. 

Setsuka: ...

Hibiki: ...

Kokoro: ...

Ibuki: ...

Aizakku: And then there are a couple of you who are dead set that I am the last void member.

Sora: ...

Yuki: ...

Yoruko: ...

Shinji: Well which is it? Are you void or not?

Aizakku: I know I'm going to get backlash either way... I'm just not sure which option will give me more... I'm not a void.

Kokoro: I'd like to know our intentions as to why you had to lie to us about it.

Aizakku: To protect the real last member. They're fucking terrified about the whole rule change because they were considering a switch in the team too but then Mikado just had to be a dick to Nikei and have it harm the other one.

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now