A.I. nother chance...???

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Aizakku: ...There. Are you satisfied?

Mikado: Brilliant! Perfecto! Aizakku does it again! I've sort have missed you finishing off the class trials. Most of the time Ibuki is stealing your spotlight.

Aizakku: ...

Yuki: Is the trial... really over?

Shinji: I still don't get it. What does uncovering the truth change for us?

Mikado: It's important to face the truth. Although, as you said yourself, it doesn't seem important at first glance. But it's not the content that matters, but the step itself. It's like doing to a party, it doesn't matter what you eat or drink, because it's about the experience. The same is true for the class trial. Isn't it better to know the truth and see the end, rather than see the end and know nothing?

Yoruko: That's what I don't get. The class trial is important... but why?

Syobai: Hey, if it's done, can we move on?

MIkado: Don't rush the story, our sunset will soon arrive... Coincidently, it seems the installation has finished at the same time.

Rei: Installation? Care to explain?

he didn't need to explain I know what this was. the graduate or repeat option.

Aizakku: Heh... This trick again? How original. Y'know Junko wanted to do this.

Tsurugi: Correct. I've read top-secret files from the future foundation and the graduation exam is more about a personality override.

Yuri: What does that have to do with anything though?

Tsurugi: The Neo world program is not just some virtual world made for enjoyment or personal use. It was made for the Hope restoration program.

Rei: In other words, It's capable of replacing memories.

Ibuki: So you're saying that we'll still remember everything that happened here? That's not exactly a trap...

Tsurugi: When the avatar data overrides the brain in the real world... Those without avatars have no data to transfer to their brain.

Hibiki: I mean that makes sense but... no one died here...

Mikado: Oh may I bring something up? I forgot to mention that this is based on majority vote. of you press repeat then the killing game will repeat. and We'll just keep writing the same story because your memories will just revert back to when you first woke on this island.

Kanade so we all got to make sure we all choose to graduate.

Aizakku: It's a trap he wants to use Yuki's body to revive Utsuro and Yuki would be trapped here.

Tsurugi: Exactly...

Yuki: Guys... Please don't abandon me... There has to be another way...

Tsurugi: Yuki this isn't just about you It's about the entire world. Divine luck is something that should not exist in this world. I'd end that goddamm luck myself even if I have to give my life.

Mikado: Keep in mind, Sora also won't graduate since her body in the real world is braindead.

Sora: ...You don't have to worry about me... I was ready to sacrifice myself anyway...

Mikado: Well Aizakku??? Can you think of any possible ways out of this???


Ibuki: ...

Aizakku: Does Utsuro even want to be brought back? What if he refuses?

Mikado Pardon?

Aizakku: I'm sure even Utsuro is aware of what divine luck contains... I don't believe he wants to cause any more suffering and that's why he died in the first place.

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now