A.I. nother final trial

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Class trial START

Mikado: Hello everyone, welcome to the final class trial! Given the unknown appearance of our original host, Monocrow. I mikado Sannoji will be in charge of the explanation here. In the previous class trials, there was a murder case and the goal was to figure out "whodunnit". However, in this class trial, we will discuss the truth of everything. If you manage to figure out this truth during the trial, it will end. This long killing school trip will finally end, and each of you will return to your daily lives.

Yuki: W-What?! What are you talking about!?

Mikado: What's so confusing about that?

Yuki: I don't believe those words!! You're just trying to use me to resurrect Utsuro!! Discovering the truth is pointless in this nonsense trial!!

Mikado: ...Pointless.

Yuki: Huh?

Mikado: I've already told everyone else... but this class trial is an important process and the last stage of my plan. Isn't it good to have a final trial to resolve all of the doubts you may have? Or would you rather I kill somebody and we discuss the murder of that?

Yuki: N-No thanks

Sora: Yuki, it's okay. I don't know what he's up to but... We know you're still alive, and Mikado's plan isn't complete yet. So there's still a chance we can win, there's still hope.

Yoruko: I'm just as surprised as Yuki. When it's all over we'll all get to return to our daily lives... How long are you gonna keep up that lie for?

Mikado: I'm not lying. I'm being honest with you here, nobody else has to die. I'm not some psycho killer like Kanade. Killing is no longer necessary.

Kanade: And what's stopping me from killing you from where you stand?

Hibiki: Damnit Kanade! Control yourself!

Kanade: Oh? Since when did you start caring?

Hibiki: I still hate you for what you did and I can't forgive you for that... But... I'm willing to do anything to make a proper change and bring my sister back. You're my only family left.

Kanade: ...Sis... This is equivalent to me being gay

Hibiki: You ARE gay.

Kanade: Point proven. It's something I cannot change because 1: I can't control what I like or dislike and 2: It's so mind-numbing that it's become second nature for me... to the point I don't want to change or have any reason to change.

Hibiki: Maybe... Maybe not... I'm not going to give up. I believe in change.

Kanade: OK be my guess You always look adorable trying to do things on your own without my help. Oh, why don't you solve the whole truth of the trial for your little sister~?

Kiibo: I hate to interrupt your vows but We're in the middle of a class trial and I have a question.

Mikado: Really? It's the final class trial and we still need questions? I'm not sure to be annoyed or impressed. Go ahead.

Kiibo: Is there a time limit for this trial? 

Mikado: Do you want that added pressure? I could do that.

Kiibo: N-No! I was only asking because pour results are we win and escape or we're still deciding on the truth.

Mikado: That's beyond any of our concerns. Now if there are no other questions the-

Ibuki: Why are you wanting us to figure out the truth so bad? You've been trying to give us some clues and yet purposely hiding other clues as we investigated. What's up with that.

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now