A.I. nother concert

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Monocrow: It is 7 am. Rise and shine! May your day be as refreshing and happy as ever.

I am getting rather tired of hearing that as my alarm. I kinda preferred the Monokubs because they were at least new every time

Ibuki and I walked inside to only 4 people in the dining hall.

Emma: Uhuhu. Open your mouth wide, Kokoro.

Kokoro: Stop. Do not treat me like this. And let me go.

Emma: But you'll go away again if I do. I only want to talk with you.

Kokoro: I have already explained the reason why I cannot become closer to the rest of you. Stop treating me like a child.

Iroha: You really know what I'm saying, Teruya! That's right! And most people think rainbows are just seven colors next to each other.

Teruya: I can't agree more. There should be a certain amount of profoundness in handling subjects like rainbows. Unfortunately, only a few people know this.

I whispered to Ibuki

Aizakku: Yeah, he would know because he gay.

Ibuki snickered.

Sora came in behind us.

Sora: Good morning, everyone. What kind of mess is this?

Emma: Hello, Good morning. I was eating breakfast with Kokoro.

Kokoro: ...My breakfast is already over. This woman isn't letting me go.

Iroha: Hi, you guys. Teruya and I were having a deep conversation about rainbows. Do you want to join us?

Teruya: I never expected to meet a fellow Rainbow Wishist here. There's not a lot who can understand the full philosophy behind it.

Sora: I don't know what you're talking about, but... Emma, you should probably let go of Kokoro. And Teruya, it feels new to see you talking so bright like that.

Emma: I do want to, but Kokoro's been running away every time I try to talk with her... We're in a chase all day.

Kokoro: ...Ah.

Kokoro managed to get out of Emma's grip for a split second and dashed out of the room.

Emma: Ah, Kokoro!! Ohh... I lost her while I wasn't paying attention...

I stand corrected as Kokoro Peeked from behind the door.

Kokoro: Emma. ...The investigation is my foremost priority right now. I will talk with you when I get time later. Just wait for a little.

Emma: Okay! Thank you, Kokoro. And sorry for not letting you go against your will.

Kokoro: ...Don't mind it so much. As I mentioned before, I'm not avoiding you because I hate you... Then, see you next time.

Ibuki: I guess now we know she isn't just stubborn.

Sora: ...Hearing Kokoro saying that, I guess your efforts weren't for nothing, after all, Emma.

Emma: "For nothing" ... I'm serious about this.

Aizakku: Changing the subject what've you guys been talking about?

Iroha: An in-depth discussion about rainbows! Teruya has a really extensive knowledge of them. We got along with each other pretty quick...

Teruya: I'm jealous of you, Iroha. Even your name has "rainbow" in it.

(A/n: according to the video I make into a DLC book "Niji" means rainbow)

Aizakku: That's good to hear! It always makes me glad whenever someone makes a new friend!

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now