A.I. nother Trial

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Aizakku: Well god damn, Kokoro. When you said you were freezing some food, I never knew you were a cannibal for yourself.

Kokoro was in the fridge witch was more like a freezer I got goosebumps just feeling the cold air escape the freezer. She was Bondaged and gagged and she was missing a finger.

Aizakku: Are you Ok? Can you stand up?

Kokoro Shook her head. I wasn't surprised. I knew that being inside of a freezer must have taken a lot of energy out of her, let alone make her numb.

Aizakku: Alright, sorry if this is out of your comfort but I have no choice.

I grabbed Kokoro and carried her. Her body was cold and I knew it was wrong to carry a girl when she's half-naked but when all else fails.

I opened the door to the Infirmary and Ibuki was there like I had asked.

Ibuki: K-Kokoro!! You've gone pale! Has Your disease gone worse?!

I took off the gag from her mouth.

Kokoro: I Don't have a disease. What Syobai told you was another one of his lies.

Monocrow: A murder has been witness everyone please make your way to the infirmary.

Kokoro: How did you know?

Aizakku: Huh?

Kokoro: You have a few minutes before everyone comes down here. I know you are hiding something from me but your emotions keep changing that I am unable to figure out the whole story. I know you've made a few lies but I've been keeping quiet because I've made a promise and that I'm not dumb enough to make accusations if they have a chance to be false. You knew exactly where I was. There's some deep truth that is hidden within you.

Aizakku: Ok you got me but it's an even longer story and I'm hearing people come down so I'll tell you at a different time.

Kokoro: Fine.

Just then everyone walked inside.

Yoruko: Kokoro! What are you doing out of bed? And why are you half-naked?!?!

Aizakku: Alright C'mon Move it people Give her some respect and space

Shinji: R-r-r-right!

Everyone left the room and I told all the males about the situation

Yuri: So Kokoro didn't have a disease?

Aizakku: Nope! It was just a normal sickness.

Shinji: Wait, I'm confused. I have many questions.

Aizakku: I've already done my part. You guys can go ahead and do some investigating.

Yuki: What?! At night?!

Aizakku: Believe me I'm also too tired to use my brain but whenever Monocrow gives us a dead body or a murder in action we only get one hour of investigation time. Luckily for me, I've done my investigation from within the room when we talked to her and when I saved her. So I'm gonna leave these to the rest of you guys.

I went to Kokoro's rooms and got some things for her and then went back into the infirmary. Of course, the girls are being overprotective about the fact that she wasn't dressed appropriately to be seen by a guy.

Aizakku: Jesus christ! I just came over to give her some warm clothes and some blankets. You guys really should be investigating.


The girls left the room to investigate except for Ibuki

Kokoro: Thank you...

Aizakku: Huh?

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now