A.I. nother snap back to reality

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All I saw was nothing but darkness.

And then I saw a bright light

Like, imagine light mode discord.

Aizakku: AH! Jesus? I love you man but now is not the time.

Then my eyes adjusted and there was a guy in a wheelchair.

???: So it seems I get to meet Aizakku Adoman face to face.

Aizakku: Oh hey... You're that Kinjo guy. Teruya told me a lot about you. It's a pleasure to meet the leader of the Kisaragi foundation. Tsurugi, right?

Tsurugi: Yes...

Aizakku: Well it's nice to meet you.

I held up my hand to shake his but the mother fucker decided that was the perfect bait strat to shove a handcuff on mine.

Aizakku: Excuse me what the fuck?!

Tsurugi: You are under arrest.

Aizakku: Um I'm sorry For WHAT?!

Tsurugi: You broke into my foundation and interfered with classified missions. 

Aizakku: Uh... BULLSHIT!!! Explain this fucking letter!!!

I grabbed a crumpled piece of paper out of my pocket with my free hand.

Tsurugi: Who... forged... this...

Aizakku: What do you mean forged? THere's no fucking signature. That's from a future foundation. they sent me here and you guys gave me open arms.

Tsurugi: Well I sure didn't write this and I'm sure as hell I had no recent contacts with Future foundation.

???: It was me.

I looked behind Tsurugi and There was a familiar pissed-off redhead.

Rei Mekaru.

Rei: It was me who invited the two of them here.

Tsurugi.: Damnit Rei...

Rei: Sir, please. If you'd let me explain. Several months ago there were sightings of a male teenager having rescued the remnants of despair. However, no one believed a single child could take care of 15 mass murderers. I didn't myself at first but our search for Mikado was desperate. We've been trying to track down Mikado for years now. So I decided to give give you a test.

Aizakku: A test...? Gasp Wait So that guy?!

I remembered that day Ibuki and I were kidnapped by the figure in the trench coat. and how we never saw them since.

Rei: Yes... I apologize for having to use that method but I had assumed you would have turned me into the cops. This would not have been a problem because I cannot only hire a lawyer but It's not big of a deal given my role in this foundation. but the main problem is your girlfriend.

Aizakku: Ibuki? What about her? Hey, What are you doing!!??

Two guards were trying to restrain Ibuki With handcuffs but thank the lord her ADHD is on full adrenaline and putting up a fight. because she was resisting arrest like crazy.

Tsurugi: She identifies as Ibuki Mioda. A member of class 77-B and one of the remnants of despair. She is being placed under arrest.

Rei: And that was the reason I was worried about you guys interacting with the police. Once we found Where  Mikado and the void were located I made up a quick email to send to Future foundation giving you the get-go for your mission.

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя