A.I. nother victim

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Ibuki's pov

I had a hard time falling asleep that night. If it weren't for Aizakku calming me down I would have literally gotten no sleep whatsoever.

I think I might have slept past the morning announcement because I woke up about a half-hour later.

I got some notifications

Aizakku: Hey u up?

Just barely :Ibuki

Aizakku: Well come on down I'm grabbing things to cheer everyone up


I slugged my way outta bed and then moped downstairs. I think this is the slowest I've ever walked in my life and normally I power walk or run.


Ibuki: *yawn* Good nom-nom nmmmmmmm...

Yoruko: Well someone's tired.

Kokoro: You've been worried all night and barely got any sleep.

I nodded while my head was still face-first on the table.

Yuri: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.

Mikado: I couldn't agree more. Isn't usually Aizakku here to cheer you up?

Ibuki: Mikado, please don't talk about Aizakku this early in the morning. Ibuki is not in the mood.

Mikado: My apologies. You took it that way. I was merely asking if you knew of his whereabouts.

Ibuki: Huh? Oh yeah... Where IS Aizakku... and where's Yuki and Iroha?

Setsuka: No one has seen Aizakku all morning in person yet.

Yoruko: They'll come sooner or later. Let's eat for now.

Mikado: Today's morning is a Michelin 3-star meal if I do say so myself. For I am feeling particularly happy today! a western-style breakfast set with French bread. I've prepared Americano so you can have it after you've finished your meals, so help yourselves.

I honestly couldn't care less... 

Everyone was silent for a hot minute.

Mikado: Hmm... Usually, at this point, you all try to shoo me out or jab at me... But for things to be quiet... this in itself is quite interesting.

Gee. I wonder why.

Just then Yuki walked in looking almost as tired as I was.

Shinji: Yuki, you came... You're late.

Yuki: ...Yeah, I wasn't feeling so good.

Sora: Hurry up and eat your breakfast. Iroha isn't here yet, but we decided just to eat ahead.

MIkado: Have I... become invisible or something? Did I gain a passive magic skill to my arsenal unbeknownst to me...? To be honest, I'd much prefer if you jab at me. To be ignored to such a point... actually hurts my fragile heart even more.

Yeah, alright, Mikan.

Setsuka: You all don't look so good. ...Well, guess that was expected.

Shinji: That motive video yesterday...

Sora: ...Um, if it isn't too much to ask. I want to know what everyone's video was.

Hibiki: ...No...Don't make me remember it...

Kanade: Sis, no crying...

Yoruko: You're amazing, Sora. I don't know what you saw but to remain so calm...I...saw footage of an accident of someone close to me during middle school. I lost contact with her for several years... and that person was being attacked by some thugs...

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now