A.i.nother setup

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Yuki: Everyone... are you ready?

Yoruko: This day was bound to come sooner or later. Let's do this.

Sora: ...Someone might get hurt from this. Someone could even die. 

Hibiki: I feel as if this isn't the right choice... but neither are the other ones...

Sora: Perhaps we did make the wrong choice. So... If anyone's scared... It's still not too late for you to...

Yuki: Wait, Sora! I think I should be the one to say that...! I thought none of you had the will to escape this place, so I was cursing all of you behind your backs... And I should be more than thankful that you even listened to my plans...

Nikei: Hey, don't get too ahead of yourselves you two.

Yuki: Huh!?

Nikei: We've come this far. We're already motivated and ready to go because of you. If things go south, we'll worry about it when it happens. I'm sure it'll all work out somehow. I should be the one apologizing... Betraying the void and promising you guys new hope and yet achieving nothing...

Hibiki: AaaaaAAAAAAHHHH!! What is this?! Us taking turns for who makes the most sympathetic apology?! It's almost time. We need to focus.

I would hear a very faint sound of footsteps coming this way.

Ibuki: Alright guys. Get in position. He's coming.

Iroha: Nonono... We're doomed... We're all gonna die...

Setsuka: Iroha, quiet! We can't immediately say that when we haven't even tried yet.

Mikado: Hurrah, everyone! May we finally get rid of that beast Teruya and set my poor soul free!

Yuri: Shut up, you menace.

We heard the chain and we all started charging when he opened the door but for some odd reason he managed to knock us all out.

Teruya: When it comes to ambushing, if you gain knowledge of it beforehand and use it against the attackers, Man, the number of times your teachings have saved me, Kinjo...

Yuki: Argh... H-h...how...

Teruya: How you ask? How did I know about the ambush, and how did I know it was gonna happen today in this very way? Is that what you want to ask?

Ibuki: Grrrr...

I wasn't ready to back down. I tried to get up but Teruya kicked me in the gut. I tried getting up again but he stepped on my back I almost barfed. Seriously, fuck those energy bars. They have no purpose.

Teruya: Seems like you've underestimated me. And to think I went such lengths to warn you... Now, where do you think the person who imprisoned you... where do you think I was sleeping this whole time? Hmm? 

Ibuki: *cough* Get off me!

Teruya: I specifically recall saying that I will "be on the watch". Don't tell me, you really didn't think that I was wandering around minding my own business while you were stuck here, did you?

Yuki: Wha..!?

Teruya: I was always there on the opposite side of the door, watching you. The meeting you guys had yesterday... Well, no, not just yesterday... Since finding Aizakku in the power room I've given up on finding that key. I was watching you the whole time you were trapped here. There's no way I could have not known. I knew fact that today was gonna be the "big day" I knew that the 2 of them didn't approve of the plan.

Iroha: Wait, Teruya!! You were watching us the whole time!? I thought you said you would look for ways to contact the outside world! That rescue would soon come...

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now