A.I.nother secret

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Aizakku's Pov:

???: Aizakku!

Ibuki:  Aizakku wake up!

Aizakku: Ehhh...

You know when suddenly one of your ears starts ringing and then your head starts pounding? Well, that's me.

Ibuki: You ok?

Aizakku: Yeah... 

I checked my surroundings and...

Aizakku: What the fuck?!?!

Ibuki: I know... It was like this when Ibuki woke up.

Kiibo: Same here.

I was laying in the Monocruise in my room. but everything was glitching out, numbers were everywhere, and things were just not computing with my brain.

I saw a human version of Kiibo. Was that Pregame Kiibo? is the Kiibo I know still in there?

Aizakku: Kiibo?

Kiibo: Oh yes... I specifically remember dying but I'm unsure why I look like this now... Anyways, where did you get the jacket?

I looked down and I was wearing a black jacket over the clothes I had on earlier.

Aizakku: Oh yeah... I was wearing this before coming inside here.

I looked at Ibuki and the back of her hair was trimmed down just beyond her shoulders and she was wearing a yellow tye-dye sweatshirt and jean shorts. On her neck were some pink and black spiky, wireless, headphones.

Ibuki: Our avatars are currently reverted to what we actually look like outside of the simulation, which might explain why Kiibo isn't a robot anymore.

Kiibo: But we're still in the system? Why?

Aizakku: No... no no no no NO!

Ibuki: Aizakku? What's wrong?

Aiakku: I don't get it! We replicated everything! So why are we all still in the virtual world!?

Kiibo: Maybe we really did need Syobai?

Aizakku: It wouldn't matter! We all need to die within 24 hours. and Syobai logged off a few hours before the meeting. So then what..?

Monocrow: Excuse me.

Aizakku: Yeet!

Monocrow: Oof! Please do not throw me! I understand That the rules are all broken now that the system has nearly broken but I am still your teacher.

Aizakku: Bitch, you never even taught us anything! stop calling yourself a teacher when Mikado had complete control of you!

You're confused but please Let me explain. First off I'd like to begin with the fact that I am Not under the control of Mikado anymore.

Kiibo: What does that mean?

Monocrow: Simply put I'm willing to help you defeat that monster Mikado.

Ibuki: And how can we trust you?

Monocrow: I'm afraid I can only give you my word but I will not force you to let me help you. Just say the word and I will be off and you can do your own investigation.

Kiibo: Investigation?

Aizakku: Of course... We're in chapter 6. The longest chapter in the entire game and the final one where everyone learns the secrets of the mastermind, the void, the simulation... everything.

Monocorw: I am not sure what you are talking about.

Aizakku: ... The 3 laws of robotics

Ibuki: Huh?

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now