A.i. nother chapter where I don't have a clever name for

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After some investigating (which didn't take long because this was the simplest case out of all of them in this run and with the fact that there are many people here to cover ground) We headed to the elevator.

Syobai for some fucking reason decided to say "fuck this shit I'm out." but after a few wondering of where he could be, We realized We wouldn't need him. We were determined to get this trial over with so we could Launch the procedure.

Teruya couldn't join us either because he was still in recovery, He was struggling to breathe as we helped him up so we thought it was best for him if he used a respirator for a while. but I think we get work just fine without him.

As we rode down the elevator I was nervous because I didn't want Junko to corrupt me before the trial ends and it's the same thing with Yuki and Sora.

I think Ibuki saw my nervousness right next to me, so she slipped a hand in mine. It took me by surprise for a minute, but it didn't last long as it turned into confidence.

No despair alter ego in my system is gonna make me pull any more bastard sprites.

We didn't even let Monocrow speak. We just walked to the podiums.

Class Trial START!

Monocrow: First, let me explain the basic rules of the class trial. The result of the class trial will be decided by your votes. Choose the correct blackened, only they will receive punishment. But if you vote for the wrong person... Then everyone else other than the blackened will get punished, and the blackened who have fooled everyone will graduate from this school field trip.

Iroha: H-honestly I'm still not used to this version of Monocrow...

Ibuki: Well... It's not like he was on our side, to begin with...

Aizakku: Honestly, that's debatable in itself... No matter. There's nothing we can do about it, now. We have a trial to solve!

Monocrow: Now then, please start your discussions.

Yoruko: I mean, is there even any need to?

Kiibo: I don't believe so.

Setsuka: We know exactly who did it, this time.

Iroha: Wait we do?!

Aizakku: Mikado Sannoji... the only person who could pull this off...

Mikado: Oh, cutting to the chase, are we? Well, I've been called the killer every trial so far, so this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. but to suspect without any real evidence. I thought we've already learned time and time again that we need to discuss things thoroughly before pointing fingers at each other.

Aizakku: I know. Hypocritical of me... But bold of you to assume that we don't have real evidence.

Mikado: Oh?

Aizakku: Our alibis.

Ibuki: Everyone was outside Aizakku's hotel room when that video went off. The only people who weren't there were Mikado and Syobai.

Yuki: That's right. Hence the only suspects were Syobai and you, Mikado.

Kiibo: However, According to what you have informed us earlier, Syobai isn't participating in this trial.

Mikado: I see... And are you positive you were together the whole time? Aizakku?

Hibiki: Aizakku's on this AGAIN?!

Shinji: Surely, 3rd time must be a charm here. There is no possible way that it is Aizakku.

Mikado: I wouldn't be too sure. After all, Aizakku has gained and destroyed your trust many times. Can you trust him as my most powerful void member?

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now