A.I. nother FTE

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A/n: I'm really struggling with the a.i.nother tradition but I can't back down now.

Well, it's that time for investigation or free time and you know the routine time to make some friends.

Though I was having a tough time picking. Everyone is such a nice person.

Well, maybe not Syobai...and Mikado I'm definitely saving for the end... and I'll probably need Ibuki to become friends with Yuri.

luckily I have a wheel in my room that so happens to have the names of all the students.

I spun it and it landed on Sora.

Aizakku: Huh... I thought I would also leave her for the end but... Eh, fuck it.

I knocked on Ibuki's door and she had never responded so quickly before it's as if she was waiting to go do something with me or that it's been a while since she kissed me because that's what she did when she greeted me.

Ibuki: Free time events?

AIzakku: Yep.

We spent a while looking for Sora and we eventually found her in the bell tower talking with Nikei. Thought Nikei was cursing to himself on the floor grabbing his vital area.

I sneaked up behind her.

Aizakku: May I ask what happened?

Sora: He tried giving an interview and asked what my cup size was.

Nikei: ...I was joking...Regular interviews are boring... y'know?!

Ibuki: PFFFT!!!


We both laughed so hard because we realized how much of a dumb move that was.

Nikei: Yeah, HAHA! Laugh it all out!

Ibuki: Look on the bright side this could be a big scoop "Man's dick loses the ability to have babies after asking the wrong question." Ibuki would start reading the newspaper for that. If it doesn't become a scoop it would definitely become a huge meme!

Aizakku: Hey at least you weren't stupid and make an excuse like you didn't know the difference between cup size and chest size.

Nikei: I WAS actually gonna help her fill out her profile... at least the physical information.

I grabbed out my handbook+ and noticed that indeed Sora only had info about her name and height.

Aizakku: Huh... yeah... that is odd... During the last killing games, only one person just had their talent unknown not everything. 

Ibuki: You'd think they'd get at least scale and measure you!

Nikei: Yes... Wait! There's some measuring equipment at the store! We could measure you there

I instantly pushed NIkei sliding him away.

Aizakku: No. Nope. No way. Nada. Fack off wit ya.

Nikei: Hey C'mon! I just wanna help!

AIzakku: You've already pulled one move. I doubt Sora would be comfortable with you measuring her. I'm not ditching you from her I'm just protecting your ass.

Nikei: Then what am I supposed to do?

Aizakku: Hmmm... Do an interview with Yuri. Figure out why he's been kidnapped so many times. See if It's a relation to our kidnapping.

Nikei: Erika! I can't believe I haven't thought of that! I'll be on my way.

He ran off looking for Yuri, still holding his crotch in pain.

A.I.nother (sdra2 & Ibuki x reader) Book 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora