190. Real Life

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2 weeks. That's how long it's been since Nina went into early labor and their son had been in the NICU. 2 weeks of the two going back and forth from the hospital to their home always empty handed. Two weeks of their two eldest children asking where the baby in mommy's belly went and why he wasn't home with them. Two weeks of uncertainty and praying that nothing happened to their little boy.

It's been two agonizing weeks but today, today they were finally bringing baby Duncan home and they coke to be happier. Over the weeks, both Nina and Ian had taken turns going to the hospital to be with him while the other took care of the kids and all the house work.

Blaire and Arrow had been constantly asking ehh their baby brother wasn't in mommy's tummy anymore and where he was but they had tried to explain it as best as they could considering their age.

"Are you ready to go see your baby brother?" Nina asked as she helped Blaire into her shoes making the little girl beam and nod her little head

"Yes!" She exclaimed throwing her hands in the arm making Nina smile

"Then let's go, Daddy and Arrow must be waiting for us" Nina said before picking her up and placing her on her hip then left the toddler's room and headed down the hall and stairs to meet up with her husband and son.

"Ready?" Ian asked and his wife nodded while Blaire once again yelled

"YES!" Making him and Arrow laugh at her excitement

"Then let's go"


Once the doctor explained to them how to properly care for the baby, Ian and Nina walked out of the hospital with their three children. Once Duncan's car seat had been securely placed in the middle of Blaire and Arrow's car seats, they family of five made their journey home.

Once home, Ian messaged their family and friends adding a photo of the baby with Blaire and Arrow.

Of course they had wanted to come visit but due to COVID both Nina and Ian were quick to shut that down as they didn't want anyone getting near the newborn specially since he was a premature baby and was sensitive that could get sick easily. But they did say that once the baby was a little bigger and stronger that they were more than welcomed to stop by to visit and officially meet him.

"Alright, time for your baths" Ian said as he picked his older children up and carried them like footballs upstairs all the while making them giggle and squeal calling for Nina to help. Nina shook her head as she gently picked Duncan out of his carrier and placed him on her chest softly rubbing his little back making him snuggle against her.

"You have two of the ever siblings in the world and the greats dad in the universe, sweet boy," Nina whispered placing s little kids onto of his little hat, "you were handpicked by your brother in heaven you know? I'd like to think that he didn't want us to be sad with his passing that he sent you, even if you were born a little early"

Duncan made a whining noise making her shush him as she rubbed his back, "it's okay, baby boy," she stood up and walked towards the kitchen and looked for a bottle to make for him as he became restless against her. Once she had finally found one she began to prepare it before waking back to the living room and sitting down and got comfortable before feeding Duncan the bottle.

"Alright these two are fresh and clean" Ian announced as he joined Nina back downstairs with their oldest kids half an hour later making her look up

"And this little one is fed. We'll have to wait a little while before going upstairs to bathe him," she said once she removed the bottle from Duncan's lips before she gently placed him back on her ches there she began to burp him.

"Mama" Arrow whined holding his arms towards her and she smiled as Ian came over to her and gently took the newborn into his arms. Blaire being an independent little girl went to her little corner of the room and began playing with her toys while Arrow snuggled in Nina's arms. His eyes began to droop as she rubbed his back while breastfeeding him. Some people might say he's old to stop but Nina didn't think so. She wanted to continue breastfeeding him until he's two isn't like she did with Blaire.

"Mama?" Blaire called as she walked over to them, "buhba"

"Okay baby" Nina said as she got to her feet with Arrow fast asleep in her arms, "give me one moment okay? I'm going to put your brother down first"

Little Blaire nodded her head as she climbed onto the sofa next to Ian whole Nina headed upstairs to lay Arrow in his crib.

"Baby" she whispered with a little grin as she leaned closer to look at her newest baby brother

"Yes, he's your baby brother"

"Bwothew" she mumbled before beaming

"Sissy" she said pointing at herself

"Yes sweetheart" Ian chuckled and she smiled before yawning and snuggling against him hair as Nina returned from upstairs. She headed straight to the kitchen to prepare Blaire her bottle before retuning to the living room with the bottle and handing it to her before picking her up and placing her on her lap.

"One down, toe to go" she murmured to Ian who smiled and leaned over to give his wife a kiss on the temple. They sat in silence as their two remaining chairmen held hands(Blaire has taken a hold of his little one) neither letting the other go. That's how it has been when Arrow has been born. Blaire has always held his hand and now seeing her do the same with her newest brother made the couple smile at each other each laying a kiss upon their child's forehead.

"We made three amazing kids" Ian said and Nina hummed

"We sure did."

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