104. Real Life

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Baby Blaire was officially two months and Ian and Nina had fully settled into their new roles as doting parents and having a routine.

They've been emailed and messaged about doing a photo shoot with their daughter but both Ian and Nina had declined the offer, not wanting to expose her to that kind of environment just yet.

Today was also the one year anniversary since Nina was in a car accident and both Ian and her have been having on off day.

When Nina has woken up that morning with Ian's arms wrapped tightly around her more than usual, she knew the reason behind it. She tried to get out of his hold so she could go check on Blaire then make breakfast but her husband's arms only tightens more with him yawning the words, "Just a little bit longer, not ready to let you go just yet"

Th res rod the day after that, the couple went about their daily business. Checking on their daughter, doing laundry, Ian taking Maverick for a walk at the park while Nina stayed home with their baby. They didn't bring up the significance of the day, they didn't need to. Is was the lingering glances, the extra kisses, love felt hugs at random points of the day that gave it away the fact it was on their minds.

That night, after putting Blaire to bed, Ian and Nina were exhausted, the pair practically collapsing into bed with Maverick taking her lace by the bassinet slept. It had been a total 360 to how they'd spend that time same night just a year prior though at that time they were only friends before they began dating again.

Nina woke up in the early hours of the night when she felt Ian's weight leave the bed. He had gotten up slowly and quietly before making his way over to Blaire's crib. They agreed that Blaire will be in their room until she was at least 7 months old.

She watched and heard as Ian gently picked her up, the baby girl fussing a little bit until Ian sat down on the rocking chair in the corner of the room by the window where the moon light filtered through a wall crack of the curtains. Nina began to roll over to ask her husband if their daughter needed to be fed but stopped herself when she heard Ian's low, soft voice.

"Hi my sweet little Blaire," he whispered to the newborn in the dark, "is my baby girl gonna be a night owl like her Daddy?" With that question Nina heard Blaire coo as if in response to her Esther's question making a smile form in her lips as she listened and she coding bring herself to interrupt so she laid there and listens to Ian talk to their little one.

Minutes passed and Blaire fussed a little more and Ian then bargained with her as her squeaky voice grew louder, "Shhh, okay baby girl. Why don't we make a deal yeah?" He offered as he began to rock her gently, "how about you be okay with Daddy for a little bit tonight Okay? Let your beautiful Mama sleep a little while longer"

Hearing Ian talk about her when he thought she was asleep was something new but beautiful. As open as they were as a couple, there was always things you'd never say to each other, thing stood always keep tucked away inside.

"You see. Your mama over there" Ian gestures towards the bed where she 'asleep' "is the most unfriendly selfless and most amazing woman I have ever met in my entire life Blaire. You don't know how lucky you are to have her as your mom"

Nina swallows the lump that had formed in her throat as tears slid down their cheek as Blaire crisis rose slightly, "I'll tell you, you've got her sweet stubbornness" he chuckled as he tried to calm her down "And You've got her looks too because my god your mama is a stunner. So you're lucky you don't have my looks" he whispered to her, "When you grow up you'll look just like her, so that means dating is out of the question" and Nina chuckled silently to herself trying to not give the fact she was awake away and that she was listening. Ian has become the típico over protective father.

"You know, this time last year I was sitting in a hospital being told that Mommy May never wake up, that I might never see her again. If I'd lost your mommy that day, I don't know what I would've done. I wouldn't have her and you. You have no idea how special and how much you mean to us pumpkin. What you symbolize."

Nina had fallen asleep after Ian's last words so she didn't feel when he stood up and walked back to the crib with a sound asleep baby before waking back to the end and climbing beside her.

The next time Nina woke I was to Ian's arms securely wrapped around her but not tightly as the night before with his face buried in her neck. Nina turned in his arms and faced him. He was still asleep and she makes as he looked relaxed. It reminded her of how he always likes when he was asleep. So peaceful and handsome.

"You're staring" he murmured with his eyes still closed making her smile

"I'm not staring. I'm gazing" Nina replied using Elena's words at him and Ian slowly opened his eyes  with a smile as their eyes clashed

"Ahh that famous line of Elena's when she and Damon were at the bar drinking" he said and she hummed as she ran her fingers through his bed hair

"About last night" she began and Ian raised a brow

"You heard me?" He asked with a fake irritation look on his face but that mischievous grin on his lips face him away

"Yeah" She replies before kissing him gently, "I love you, you know" she added, her fingers stroking the side of his face as their eyes were finger on one another as the sun filtered through the the small crack of curtains

"I know you do baby, I love you too"

Placing her head into the crook of Ian's neck, the couple quickly endomingado entwine. Ian was clinging to her for dear life, his whole body shivering as it dawned on him how far they'd come.

"What would've happened?" He asked in a whisper against Nina's hair

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what would've happened if you didn't make it? If you had died. What would've happens to me?" Ian was staring at Nina so forcefully that she could almost feel his eyes burning into her, it was like he was committing her into his memory, taking in every detail of the woman laying at his side.

"Baby you don't ever have to worry about that. I'm here, we're here. We're married and have the make beautiful baby girl. Focus on the now and not on the what if's and what food have been" she said as she cupped his face as as she saw tears burn in his eyes, "awe go through it"

Nina could feel tears burning in her own eyes as she talked to Ian trying with all of her might to squash his inner turmoil. She hated the far away looks she got form him all day yesterday. She knew wha the was thinking, he was picturing her in a coma, broken and batted. He had to see her now, focus on that moment.

"Look how far we've come? You, me and a Blaire. You're all I've ever wanted this is what I fought for. This is what I came back for" Nina for up innher knees leaning over Ian to try and make him see sense, "I don't  want to live in the past Ian, I want to focus on the here and now, just us and our baby and Maverick"

"You're right, of course you are. I'm just being an emotional idiot," Ian grinned widely, not wanting to waste anytime with his wife; he pulled Nina back down on the bed and wrapping himself arose her.

"Yeah you are Somerhalder. A loving, sexy, perfect idiot" Nina murmured burying her face in his chest for a bit only to smile up at him when their daughter began whimpering kn her crib, "come on, duty calls"

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