106. Phone Call

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Phone call between Nina, Ian and Camila
Camila will be bold
Nina will be italics and Ian will be underlined

*incoming call from cam*

"Good morning cam who do i owe for this call?"

"Morning Neens. Is Ian with you?"

"Uh yeah he is why? Do you need to speak with him?"

"I actually need to speak with you both"

"Oh ok. Well you can go ahead and talk you're on speaker phone"

"Oh great. Okay so the meaning of this call is actually to talk to you both about doing an interview"

"What type of interview? Will the people come to the house or will we  have to go to wherever the interview will take place?"

"That is entirely up to you both but I know how you two are very adamant on having Blaire seen in public or in photos"

"How many interviews are we speaking about?"

"About five in total"

"Have you given them any answers yet?"

"Not yet, told them that I wish speak with you both before I give them any answers"

"Do they need both of us to the interview?"

"I'm afraid so Ian. If not I would have it before hand"

"Alright  well can we get back to you once we talked it over and decided on what we will do in regards of Blaire and who will watch her whole we're done the interviews"

"We're Sorry were making your work difficult Cam but you gotta understand we don't want to expose our daughter to that life"

"No, no. sweetie I completely understand where your both coming from so take as much as you both need and just shoot me an email or text telling me what you decide and then we can go from there"

"Thank you for understanding Cammie. We really appreciate it more than you know"

"Of course Ian, no need to thank me. I know that you two have been hiding Blaire form the public and i know how you both feel about exposing her to the celebrity lifestyle. So like o said, take your time. Talk it over and get back to me with an answer and then we'll go from there"

"Well do Cammie, thank you and don't worry we'll get back to you as soon as possible so don't get to worked up I've it"

"You'll have our a ser no later than the end the week"

"Alright. Well I let you both go as I know you're both busy. Have a good rest of your day and talk to you both soon"

"Bye CamCam"
"talk to you soon"

*Call Ended*

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