42. Real Life

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"So how are you and Nina?" Paul asked Ian as they made their way towards set since they wold be filming their scene in the boarding house since they had already filmed their previous scenes with their other co-stars thought Ian still had one last scene to film before he leaves for the airport as he'll be meeting Nina in the Galapagos Island for their mini vacation.

"We're good, I was planning on proposing to her during our trip to the Galapagos Island" Ian replied and Paul looked at him a bright smile

"What? Seriously?" He asked and Ian nodded with a smile as he felt the small velvet box in his pocket before taking it out and showing it to Paul, "wow dude this is a beautiful"

"What's beautiful?" Candice asked as she and Kat walked up to them on each side

"Wait, is that what I think it is?" Kat asked with a gasp as she looked at the diamond encrusted ring and Ian smiled nodding, "oh my god. I'm so happy for you and she's so going to say yes"

"I'm so happy for too buddy. Nina is good to accept. God, she has talked about marrying you ever since you two got back together" Candice said and Ian nodded

"We've talked about that too when we went on vacation during winter break" Ian said, "Do you hours think it's too soon to propose to her? I mean we just got back together three months ago"

"Of course not Ian. You two already have history together and what does it even matter if you two started dating again three months ago? You and Nina love each other and that's all that shook really matter" Paul said making Ian purse his lips, "if you're worried about that the fans will think about you getting engaged don't. You and Nina deserve to be happy and fuck what anyone else thinks"

"For once I actually agree with Wesley on this Ian. You and Nina have been together for three years before tour breakup in 2013 and now you're back together you can start of where you both left off" Candice said, "you both deserve to be happy and I know that getting engaged is the next step in your relationship"

"I guess you're right" Ian said with a smile and before all three could say anything else both Ian and Paul were being called on set to film their scene which was at the Salvatore Boarding House.

"PLACES EVERYONE!" Kyle yelled and once nothing actors were in lace he yelled "ACTION!"

Damon is standing by the fire while running a finger in circles around the glass bottle on the table as the front door to the boarding house  opened and in walks Stefan. He looks at him as Stefan walks towers him.

"How's it feel to be a mere mortal?" He questions

"Uh, it... hurts. Definitely hurts." Stefan replies

"I heard they pumped you full of three pints of blood. I hope you saved me some."

"It's a good thing that wasn't funny, otherwise I'd be, uh... [sniffles] ...ripping my stitches.

"Well, why don't you take a seat. I poured you a painkiller-friendly drink, and I'll sit with you and remind you how badly you always wanted to be human."

"I'm gonna have to pass. I... I just came home to change before I go to Bonnie's. I spent the last hour trying to... figure out what I was gonna say to her." Stefan responds in regards of what he had done to the witch when he had been a Vampire.

"What'd you come up with?" The older Salvatore asks

"Nothing. Mm, nothing to say. If I can't figure out a way to forgive myself, I can't expect her to."

"Well, you'd be surprised." Damon says adding "Bonnie's a much better person than you or me. I'm not saying it won't take time. Clock doesn't start ticking until you say the words."

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