80. Real Life

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"So I was thinking" Nina said once they were back in their LA house and Ian looked over at his wife with a raised brow. He was still getting used to the idea that Nina was his wife and the feeling was mutual with Nine. Neither ever thought that they'd ever be husband and wife yet here they were three weeks later married with a baby in the way. Life was finally on track for the newly weds and former co-stars.

"And what would that be?" Ian asked as he climbed the bed with her before laying on her lap making Nina smile as she ran her fingers through his hair

"We haven't thought baby names" she replied and Ian shifted in his place to look up at her which made Nina look down

"Have you thought of any names yet?" He asked but she shook her head no and he nodded, "I mean we can look through baby name books and pick one we both like for both boy an le girl since we don't know what we're having yet" 

"That's a good idea. Maybe we can go with a unisex name. I mean don't get me wrong I don't mind having the baby have a girly name if it's a girl or a boy name of it's a boy but I want them to have a unique name that can be for both boy and girl" Nina said and Ian nodded as he sat up and faced her

"Then we'll do jut that. I agree with you on having one baby have a name that's fitting for both a boy and girl" Ian agreed making Nina beam at him, "well also have to start placing orders for the nursery as well" Ian added and Nina hummed in agreement

"We can go to the store tomorrow since we don't have anything to do until next week with us filming our new series and all" she said and Ian nodded

"When are you do for your check up?"

"Friday at noon" she replied

"We'll go after the check up then" he said and Nina nodded. The couple had arrived home their honeymoon that morning and both were beyond exhausted to say the least so after a while they headed down stairs to eat before they went for bed.

Three days later, the pair were getting in Ian's car to head down to Nina's appointment and hopefully the pair will be able to learn the gender of their baby.

"Damn it" Ian cursed when he noticed a group of paparazzi at the side of their driveway and Nina covered her face as flashes went off as they made their way down the road towards the OB/GYN's office.

"They're following us" Nina said as she looked over her shoulder to see a van that resembled that of the paparazzi trailing behind them and Ian cursed and made a turn left and right to lose the paparazzi and after a few turns, he lost them and they arrived at the office a few moments later. Once they arrived, Ian and Nina made sure that the paparazzi weren't around before exiting the car and making their way inside.

"Hello, I have an appointment with Doctor Rivers at noon" Nina said as they walked to the front counter and the lady nodded

"Name?" She asked

"Nina Somerhalder" Nina answered and the woman nodded again and typed some more on the computer before asking them to take a seat and that a nurse will be out to get them shortly.

"You think they found us?" Nina asked once they were seated and Ian sighed

"I don't know baby, let's only hope that no one here talks to the media about seeing us here" he replied as he looked around the office waiting room to see people on their phones glancing at them once in a while and Nina sighed

"Nina Somerhalder?" A nurse called cutting Nina off before she could reply and the couple walked over to the door and greeted the young nurse with a smile, "how are you this afternoon?"

"Good thank you and yourself?" Ian asked as Nina got her weight checked before they followed the nurse down the hall towards a room

"Good thank you. So it says here that you're here for your five month check up" the nurse said as she checked Nina's information and she nodded, "have you had any new symptoms? Cravings? Aches?"

"Yes. Cravings but no aches or new symptoms"  Nina replied and the nurse nodded writing it down on her folder

"Alright, let's get your pressure and temperature and then the doctor should be in" she said and did just that before excising herself leaving the couple on their own for a few moments as they waited for the doctor to arrive.

"Can we go get something to eat after we get out?" Nina asked and Ian nodded

"Of course, sweetheart, we can do whatever you want once we're done here" he replied and she nodded with a smile, "afterwards we'll go grocery shopping as well as check out the baby furniture"

"Sounds like a plan"

A knock on the door came shortly after that and the doctor walked in me shook hands with the couple with a smile greeting them.

"How are we doing today?"he asked

"Good thank you and you?" Nina asked

"Good" he replied grabbing his stool and pulled it over to Nina's bed and looked over at her folder, "everything looks normal"

"Would we be able to know what the baby will be?" Ian asked and the doctor nodded

"That depends on how the baby is positioned" he replied and the couple nodded, "alight why don't lay down so we can take a listen at the baby's heartbeat?" Nina laid down and lifted her shirt up before tensing up when the cool gel hit her skin. Doctor Rivers moved the wand around for a few moments before the sound of thumping filled the room making both Nina and Ian smile with tears in their eyes at hearing the heartbeat of their baby. 

"That's one nice heartbeat" the doctor said after a few moments and the couple nodded with smiles

"Alright, we can head to the ultrasound room and we can see how the baby is doing" the doctor said as he put the heart monitor away and handed her a tissue to wipe the gel of before leading them to a new room and had her lay on the bed while he turned the monitor on, "ready?"

"Yeah" and soon enough the screen was filled with a small white blob on the screen and the pair anxiously waited for the doctor to tell them what they were having

"The baby weighs 15 ounces and is 11 inches long and is the size of a spaghetti squash" the doctor said as he checked the baby's measurements and weight clicking here and there, "let's see if we can get a clear view and see what you're having shall we?" Moving the wand around again a few times before pausing the doctor stopped and clicked a button saying, "congratulations you're having a healthy baby girl"

"Are you sure?" Ian asked making the doctor nod as he pointed at the screen showing them the image

"Yes" He replied and the couple couldn't be happier with the news, "how many copies would you like?"

"Four please" Nina replied and the doctor nodded as he began clicking on the keyboard

"When should we come back?" Ian asked once they were done in the ultrasound and walked out of the room towards the exit

"In two week" Doctor Rivers replied and the couple nodded. After a few more words with the doctor, the pair left the building and got in Ian's car

"A baby girl, we're having a baby girl" Nina gushed as they made their way out of the parking lot and down the road towards a diner to have lunch before going to the store. Nina thankfully had been wearing an oversized sweatshirt that his her growing bump so no one could really tell she was pregnant or not.

"She's going to be the most loved baby in the world" Ian said looking over at her and Nina smiled leaning over and pacing a kiss his cheek

"Love you" She said and Ian kissed her her when she rested it on his shoulder

"Love too, Princess"

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