126.Real Life

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It's been several weeks since the Heather situation and both Nina and Ian were now focusing on their daughter and though her photo was out in the world it didn't stop the pair from keeping her hidden despite what the fans say. They will continue to hide her face until she's old enough to decide on her own whether she wants her image plastered everywhere she to her parents fame or not.

Baby Blaire was officially five months old and both Nina and Ian couldn't believe how much times has passed since they brought her home. Today the family of three will be going back to LA since Ian still had to wrap up filming his show and Nina is due to be back on set to begin promo for her show that will be airing in two months.

"Are you sure you two don't need me come along to help?" Edna asked as Ian carried their suitcases to the car

"We're sure Edna, besides will be seeing you all again in a couple weeks for Thanksgiving and Christmas" Nina said as she packed Blaire's diaper bag up with a new batch of clothes,diaper, her bottles and a few toys to keep the infant calm during the flight.

"I wish you guys could stay a little longer" the older woman said making Nina smile and the bag in her arms to gurgle and give her grandmother a toothless grin making the woman chuckle

"I know but duty calls and we can't really ignore that" Nina said giving her mother in law a soft smile that the woman returned

"I know I know I'm just being sentimental as always" she chuckled

"We'll be back soon mom don't worry" Ian said coming back inside and picking Blaire's carrier and stroller before walking back outside to put them in the car

"You won't even get the chance to miss us before were back in town" Nina said as Edna handed the baby over to her and the woman sighed

"I always miss you guys even if it's only for a few days" Edna replied with a chuckle making Nina smile. A few more words were exchanged between the women before Ian came back inside to give his mother a hug.

"Alright, alight don't want to keep you guys any longer than necessary. Don't want you to kiss your flight back home" Edna said a few moments later and the pair along with their daughter left the Josue with a wave at Edna, Ian's siblings and dadas already wished them a safe flight back a few hours ago before the went to town with the kids.

"Ready to go?" Ian asked once they were in their sears, him in the front while Nina sat in the back with the baby


The following weeks went by in a blink and before the pair could even blink, Ian was wrapping up filming and flying back to Louisiana for the holidays.

"Do you have everything?" Ian asked as he carried their suitcases to the car and Nina nodded

"Yeah" She replied as she buckled the infant into her carrier and he nodded calling their pets so they can leave.

"Alright then let's get going we have a long drive ahead of us" he said and Nina nodded with a smile as she picked the carrier up and followed him out the house with their pets in tow.

"Did you fall your mom to let her know we're on our way?" She asked once she was in the back seat with Baby Blaire

"Yeah she said she'll have the guest house ready for when we get there" he replied turning the car in and revering out of the driveway after pressing a button on the roof of the car to open the gates before driving out with the gates closing behind him.

"Ready for a 35 hour car drive?" He quizzed and she smiled

"Im pretty sure it'll be a lot longer than that babe, we'll be making stops along the way you know" she replied and he chuckled

"That is true"

3 days later, and after several stops, Ian was pulling into the familiar dirt road of his childhood home.

"And we're here" he said as he pulled into the driveway to find his parents and sister standing outside waiting for them

"Great, I cant wait to catch up with the family" Nina said as she unstrapped Blaire from her carrier and put her little coat on along with her hat and boots before stepping out of the car and meeting Ian around once he got the dogs and cat out.

"Hi" Edna and Robert Sr, greeted the pair with a hug before Robyn greeted them

"Hi, god it feels so good to finally be here" Nina said once they pulled back

"I still can't believe you guys drive all the way here instead of flying" Robyn said as they entered the house while Ian and his father grabbed he suitcases from the car

"Believe me either but it was nice driving for once instead of flying. I mean we got to do some sight seeing on the road and take some photos along the way which will be nice to show Blaire when she's older" Nina replied looking down at her sleeping daughter

"I bet. Anyway I'm sure you three are tired from the drive so why don't you go get settled in and get some rest and we'll do some more catching up in the morning" Edna said and Nina nodded before hawing making the women across from her chuckle

"I'm sorry. I really wish I wish I could stay up a bit more but driving has worn me out" Nina said and the women shook their heads

"Nonsense Neens, driving for hours is tiring so get some rest like mom said and we can talk in the morning once you and Ian had rested" Robyn said and Nina nodded just as Robert Sr and Ian walked in empty handed

"Alright, the suitcases are in the guest house so we can head over whenever you're ready" Ian said and Nina nodded

"I was just about to head over" she replied and he nodded before turning to face his mother and sister

"As much as we wish to stay and talk we need to get some rest" he said but they shook their heads

"Like we told Neens, we can always talk tomorrow once you're both well rested" Edna said and he nodded before they each exchanged and goodnights the parents and infant left Ian's childhood home and walked across the yard to the two bedroom guest house a few feet away where their dogs and cat were already asleep.

"Come on, I already set up Blaire's portable crib in the room" Ian said and Nina nodded

So with that said, the trio climbed the stairs and entered the master bedroom where Nina laid Blaire on the bed to change her out of her travel clothes and into more comfortable clothing and clean diaper before laying her on the crib. Once Nina and Ian were changed they climbed into bed and let out a content sigh as their heads touched the pillows

"This feels so good" she murmured

"It sure does" Ian agreed as he pulled Nina closer to his side and she hummed resting her head on his naked chest

"As much as I enjoy the drive here, let's not do that again" she muttered making him chuckle

"I can't guarantee it but I'll keep that in mind" he replied pressing a kiss on top of her head

"Sounds good" she mumbled, "let's get some rest because I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day"

"Couldn't after more. Sweet dreams love you"

"Love you too"

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