25. Real Life

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"Don't read those" Ian said seeing Nina on her phone and scrolled through the comments of her photos

"It's kind of hard not to, Ian. They hate me and they want us to break up. They blame me for you and Nikki breaking up. They hate me for breaking up with you three years ago" she said looking up at him with tears in her eyes and Ian pulled her into his arms as she cried. He knew how much she hated remembering those events in their lives and the fact his fans keep bringing it up and talking about it only hurts Nina and he was getting tired of seeing those hateful comments. And it wasn't just on her posts but his as well and he has tried so hard to ignore them but he cracked a couple times after reading what his supposed fans had to say about his relationship with Nina and how they hated her and wished that she would die because she was ugly and untalented and so many mean things that are not true at all.

"Listen to me okay? I love you and whatever they say and think is none of my concern. The only thing that matters right now is that we are together and that's not going to change no matter what anyone says. Okay?" He asked pulling back and looking down at her and she smiled nodding her head. Ian smiled and leaned forward and gave her a tender kiss before pulling back.

"I love you" Nina said

"I love you. Now come on, our vacation is far from over" Ian stated making Nina chuckle as he got to his feet. They were one week into their winter break and Nina couldn't be happier that she got to spend it with the man that she has always loved.

She knew Ian was right about not paying the haters any mind but at the same time it was hard for her to do it because she's constantly on her phone and it's hard not to go through her comments and mentions only to be overwhelmed by negative comments regarding her relationship with Ian and it makes her wonder how they'd react when she announces her return to TVD to retake her roles as Katherine and Elena for the final episode of the show. With a sigh, Nina shook her head to clear it from those thoughts and followed Ian out do their villa.

She never thought that she'd ever get to experience this with anyone let alone with Ian. She had always dreamt of traveling to different countries and learning their culture and now she's living that dream with Ian by her side and she couldn't be happier.

What she didn't know was that this was just the beginning of many life changing vacations that they'd be sharing together from this pint on.

"When does our trip here end?" Nina asked as they walked down the sandy beach hand in hand as the summer breeze flew and the waves crashed against their feet. The sun was high in the sky and the birds sang a beautiful melody above them.

"Friday. Then we leave to Atlanta so I can start filming again. I know you don't start shooting until February due to your movie premiere ." He replied and she nodded leaning her head on his shoulder as they sat in the patio overlooking the ocean as the moon and stars eliminated the sky.

Friday came around faster than they ever realized and now Ian and Nina were on their way to the airport to board their private plane to fly over back to Atlanta. The entire time that they were abroad celebrating Christmas and New Year, the couple had talked about a lot of things from their rekindled romance to moving in together and even starting a family together.

"Have you ever thought about having kids?" Ian asked Nina one day a few days before their flight back to Atlanta and Nina looked at him with a small smile

"Of course I have. Who hasn't thought about having kids ones or twice in their lives?" She asked and Ian smiled and she looked at him with a questioning glance, "why do you ask?"

"No reason. Just curious" he replied

"You can't fool me Ian Joseph Somerhalder. Do you want kids?" She asked and he shrugged sighing, "Are you afraid that I would say no to having kids? I may not be ready at this very moment but if it happens than great and if not then we still have time for that"

"What do you mean?" Ian asked with furrowed brows and she smiled crouching to his level as he was sitting and she had been folding their clothes

"It's exactly what I mean Ian. I want to have a family with you" she assured him

"What if I asked you to marry me?" He asked and she smiled

"I would say yes because I want to be with you for the rest of my life Ian. I love you and I can't see myself with anyone else" she replied without hesitation and Ian let out a relieved sigh, "Don't be afraid to speak to  me about how you feel Ian. I know that you're still insecure about things like this because of what happened between us back in 2013 but I can promise you now that nothing would make me happier than marrying you and having a family with you"

"As much as I want to ask you to marry me right this very second I know we're both not ready to take that step yet. I'm still in the middle of divorce and I know how much the tabloids love to talk and I don't want you to get anymore hate than you're already getting by as coming out as a couple again just months after Nikki and I announced our desperation and divorce" he said and Nina has smiled nodding her head as she leaned foreword pressing their foreheads together

"I'm ready whenever you are Ian and my answer will always be yes" she had whispered and now here they were on board their private plane flying back to Atlanta to film the final episodes of TVD. Ian held the tiny velvet box he carried around with him in his pocket and looked at his side to see Nina fast asleep and smiled.

Knowing that she would say yes when he decides to ask her to marry him was amazing. He knew he wanted to propose to her but he didn't want a repeat of last time. They were on different pages three years ago and it hurt Ian when she had rejected his proposal but maybe this was god giving them a second chance to make things work. They were together and on the same page. He turned on his side and watched as Nina slept before leaving over and giving her a soft kiss on the forehead then he settled in bed to get some sleep.

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