63. Real Life

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The months after Kat and Michael's wedding flew by quickly and before Ian and Nina knew it, they were getting ready at their Louisiana home before they are due to fly out to LA for the Flatliners premiere.

"Honey?" Ian called as he walked into his and Nina's house after returning from his run.

"In the living room!" Nina yelled. Ian took of his shoes and made his way to the living room where he found his fiancée struggling to close her suitcase and he raised a brow

"What are you doing?" Ian asked with a chuckle as Nina groaned and jumped on the suitcase trying to zip it up

"Help me" she whined looking at him with a  pout when she wasn't successful and he chuckled walking over to her and crouching down to help her, "thank you you're the best" she grinned leaning over and giving him a soft kiss on the lips before scrubbing her nose, "you need to shower you stink"

Ian rolled his eyes at that saying that he did after all hair got back from running which would explain his smell and Nina grinned

"What time is our flight?" He asked and Nina hummed checking her phone

"At 6 so we still have a few hours to relax before we have to head out to the airport" she replied and Ian nodded

"Alright, I'm going to go shower and then we can figure out what I do until we need to head out" he said and Nina nodded.

While Ian showered, Nina logged onto her Instagram and saw that she had gotten a few likes and comments on a new post she had posted a few days ago with Ian and saw the negative comments that have been flooding her page since they got back together and engaged all those months ago. People- Ian and Nikki's fans to be exact- have been calling her a home wrecker and man stealer which sucked because that's not what she was. Ian and Nikki had been having problems with their marriage for months from what it had seemed when they announced it to her. Sighing, she logged off her account and tossed her phone aside before deciding to spend the next couple minutes watching tv while she waited for Ian to be done showering and getting dressed.

What she didn't know was that Ian had gone onto his Instagram and checked her post and saw the negative backlash Nina had been receiving from his so called fans and blocked every single one of them. He and Nikki have asked them numerous times to respect their decisions in getting back with Nina and Paul yet it seems that their pleas have gone unanswered from the comments and tweets that flooded their TL on a daily bases.

"So I was thinking we-Whats wrong?" Ian asked as he noticed Nina wiping her face and crouched in front of her with a frown, "talk to me sweetheart"

"Why are people so mean?" She asked with a sniffle

"What do you mean?" Ian asked even though he already knew what Nina was talking about and she sniffled showing him her phone to see her twitter flooded with hate and he took it away from her and sat it down and grabbed her hands, "what those people say are or true so you hear me? They're only saying those things because they want to make themselves feel better because they're lives are so miserable that they go on the internet and say shitty things to anyone just to gain attention and bring others down and if you let them they'll succeed. You're nothing what those people say you know why?" She shook her head as Ian wipes her tears away "because you're beautiful, perfect, incredible, the greatest human being this world has to offer and of the haters can't see that then it's their loss because they're missing out on knowing the most perfect beautiful and overall the most compassionate person ever. So don't ever think these their words are true because they're not. I love you for the person that you are on inside and that will never change okay?"

"Why do you always know what to say?" Nina asked with a smile and Ian only shrugged before standing up and holding his hand for her to take and Nina frowned, "what?"

"Were wasting time love, we gotta do stuff before we fly out to LA for your Flatliners premiere" Ian said with a raised brow making her shake her head with a smile before taking his hand and allowing him to pull her up, "Now what do you want to do first?"

"Put our suitcases in the car first" she said and Ian nodded letting Nina's hand go before grabbing her suitcases and walking to the front door where Nina stood holding the door open for him, "You finished packing right?"

"Yeah I just need to put my toiletries in" He replied and she nodded before walking up the steps to their room where she found Ian's suitcase open before walking into the bathroom to grab his toiletry bag before making her way to his suitcase and putting in and zipping it up.

"All set?" Ian asked walking into the room and she nodded grabbing their phones, chargers, passports and plane tickets

"Alright let's get going then. What do you want to do first?" Ian asked once they were both in the car after he had placed his suitcase on the back

"Sight seeing. We barely get to do any while we're both here so why not?" She asked and he hummed turning the car on before pulling out of the driveway and making his way down the raps towards their fist destination. Hollywood.

"Sight seeing it is"

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